Backup Exec 2012 Remote Agent for Windows install error
i cannot install (remote or local) Remote Agent for Windows on two win 2008 R2 Servers. One is running Exchange 2010, the other is a HyperV host running a few VMs.
On the HyperV the agent has been running till it 'lost' it's trust to the Backup Exec Server (don't know why!!). I uninstalled the agent with ARP and tried to reinstall the agent serveral Times remote and locally.
On the Exchange server the errors appeared at my first try.
The errors I get are only logged in Logs, not at the UI.
On the Backup Exec 2012 server:
- in [servername]_Push.log:
Checking process status: 9596
ERROR retrieving registry string: 2147483650, SOFTWARE\Symantec\SymcInstall, Action
ERROR: Win32: 2
ERROR: Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt....
The "win32 errors differ from try to try --> 1, 1603, ...
The Checking process status differs also from try to try --> 9596, 6892...
On the target machine:
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : Terminal Services server has been set to Install mode.
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : Launching Silent Install
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : Running in Maintenance mode
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : AgentSeqDlgs::ADlgWelcome
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : AgentSeqDlgs::ADlgMaintenanceType
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : AgentSeqDlgs::DlgChooseCustom
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : AgentSeqDlgs::ADlgPublishRemoteSrv
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : AgentSeqDlgs::AdlgInstallComplete
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : AgentSeqDlgs::Misc_BE_CommonOps
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : AgentSeqDlgs::ReadAdvertiseListKey
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : AgentSeqDlgs::ReadAdvertiseListKey
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : ZLDC01;
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : AgentSeqDlgs::AgentInstaller
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : Running Maintenance Mode
07-11-2012,15:06:23 : Get installed MSI from cache folder: C:\Windows\Installer\578dd971.msi
+ 07-11-2012,15:06:39 : ERROR: Opening Reference database. Error: 1624
+ 07-11-2012,15:12:37 : ERROR: Installation failed with error 1. GetLastError = :0
Repeating endless until I kill the process trees in Task Manager.
I Attached a pair of above mentioned complete logs.
What is going wrong here????
baba was the solution.
Thank's for your help.