Forum Discussion

aos-stade's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Keeping Backup2Disc (B2D) Files for several Days


how can I keep the B2D-files for every day of a week?

We have had problems with some tapes in the past and there it would be nice to keep the B2D files for a defined period of time. When there was an error with the monday tape for example and the duplicate to tape job fails therefore, we would like to retry the duplicate job. Now we have to retry it immediately, as the files will be overwritten on tuesday... So how to keep the files for a longer period than one day? This would increase the restore-speed as well, as we do not have to insert the tape if we want to restorte data from tuesday on friday.

Our B2D-folder settings are:

Backup-to-disk file management

Maximum size for backup-to-disk files: 200 GB

The backup jobs are set to:

"Overwrite media"

Is there a way to split the b2d-files for every day or is the only way to keep the files for a longer period to set them to "Append to media, overwrite if no appendable media is available". But this would not really do what we want, as it would overwrite the b2d-files if the file limit is achieved and all the other data in the bkf-files would also be overwritten, wouldn't they?

Our BackupExec version is 12.5, we make 5 differentials and one fullbackup, storage is enough available.

Thanks in advance.

  • When run a backup to a backup to disk folder ,Depending upon the Maximum size for backup-to-disk files bkf files are created
    For eg if you have the size set to 200 gb and you are running a backup of 500 Gb  there would be 3 bkf file created

    The Overwrite protection period and append period depends upon the Media set define in the backup Job properties
    So if you Have the a media set create with the following properties
    Opp = 6 days and app =0 days 
    Then  the bkf file would get overwrite every week on the same day . So you define the overwrite protection period as per your need.
    If the backup job is set  to append, then if there is any bkf  file which is a less than 200 gb in case yor case  it will append to that bkf file .

    Also have a look on the following setting
    Tools - Option --Media mangement-- Check if the if set to overwrite scratch media or overwrite recyclable media is set
    Have a look on the following document

  • When run a backup to a backup to disk folder ,Depending upon the Maximum size for backup-to-disk files bkf files are created
    For eg if you have the size set to 200 gb and you are running a backup of 500 Gb  there would be 3 bkf file created

    The Overwrite protection period and append period depends upon the Media set define in the backup Job properties
    So if you Have the a media set create with the following properties
    Opp = 6 days and app =0 days 
    Then  the bkf file would get overwrite every week on the same day . So you define the overwrite protection period as per your need.
    If the backup job is set  to append, then if there is any bkf  file which is a less than 200 gb in case yor case  it will append to that bkf file .

    Also have a look on the following setting
    Tools - Option --Media mangement-- Check if the if set to overwrite scratch media or overwrite recyclable media is set
    Have a look on the following document

  • As per you question regarding spliting the Bkf file . You can just set the job to ower write instead of append . As some time its difficult to restore if one of the bkf file is overwritten accidently

  • Thanks for your fast reply, I will test these settings in the next week and I will then report if it was successful.

    Sorry but I did not understand your second reply:

    "As per you question regarding spliting the Bkf file . You can just set the job to ower write instead of append . As some time its difficult to restore if one of the bkf file is overwritten accidently"

    Do you mean that it is better to let the jobs append to the existing bkf-file instead of overwriting it?
  • IMHO, ALL disk based jobs should be OVERWRITE.  Append can lead to no disk files ever expiring, since all media in an "append family" share a common OPP, which is reset when the  newest is closed

    Making your MAXSIZE smaller will result in less wasted disk space, and an OPP that meets your criteria (when used with "use overwriteable media in the target media set before scratch media" ) should keep the B2D Folder from completely filling the disk it is placed on
  • I meant that its better the job overwrite instead of seprate bkf files are created for each backup .

  • So let me sum up all these advices.

    If we set the OPP of the B2D-set to 6 days the tuesday backup for example will not overwrite the disc files of the monday backup. Instead it creates an own seperate bkf-file on the disc and the files of monday will not be overwritten until the 6 days have passed and after that the monday backup overwrites the bkf-files of the monday one week ago.

    If we reduce the maxsize of the b2d-files and set the option "use overwriteable media in the target media set before scratch media" BE will use our disc space more econimical.

    Note: We work with job policies and have one policy for each backup-type (one for the differentials and one for the fullbackups). But this should not limit the possibility to keep the bkf-files longer, shouldn't it?

    Thanks in advance!
  • Yup I thing you got it right . Once the tuesday backup is complete the bkf file will be overwrite protected for 6 days so when you run the backup on next tuesday it will overwrite the bkf file and write new data to it..
    As per the question you have about policy , I am bit confused when you say you have different polcy for diffrential and full backup jobs
    Ideally it shuld be like you have one policy in which you have 2 templates
    1st  for the full backup job
    2nd for the Differentail backup job .

    Also When you create media set you need to make sure the Full backup as more overwrite protection period because that needs to be peserved for a longer time than your Differentail backup ..


  • Any update on this post?? 
    Please mark the post as resolved if it answers your query .

  • I will give an update tomorrow as I changed the settings last monday and tonight we will see if the weekly overwrite period will work.