Forum Discussion

glocker's avatar
Level 2
16 years ago

Library Expansion Option Violation

I swapped out a defective Quantum SuperLoader3, since then I get these error messages:

This server is licensed to support 1 tape drive in robotic libraries. However, the number of tape drives currently in use exceeds the license. You must purchase additional Library Expansion Options, or disable 14 tape drives. Please refer to product documentation for more information.


I only have one tape drive in the one Quantum unit. Anybody know what this is all about or how to correct this issue?

  • That's exactly what it was. I changed the settings in the SCSI Bios and voila! problem solved.

2 Replies

  • Sounds like a SCSI bus reflection issue.  Look in Windows device manager and I bet you will see 15 drives, which is why BE is complaining.  Check your cables, SCSI card settings, and SCSI terminators.
  • That's exactly what it was. I changed the settings in the SCSI Bios and voila! problem solved.