Forum Discussion

MarcRietman's avatar
10 years ago

License warning BE2014 V-Ray

We have a V-ray licensed for 8 CPU's and mainly use backup through vCenter. However, we have a single application with a FoxPro database which is so error prone, that we decided to backup twice a day. However, if we backup through vCenter, a snapshot is created, giving the application a small hiccup and crashing it more than half the times. So we decided to use agent backups for the 3 virtual machines running the application.

So far, so good, application doesn't crash from the backup. Backup functions correctly, everybody happy you'd say, but....

We receive license warnings:

(Server: "NLBRSRV001") When V-Ray Edition is installed it does not cover protection of physical machines unless enough agent licenses have been purchased. It appears that you have exceeded the number of licenses for your Backup Exec environment. Review your license and maintenance contract information on the Backup Exec Home tab. 

As it is a virtual machine, I was under the impression that this was within the scope of the license. We only received this message after the first agent based backup so I'm pretty sure it is related to using the agent to backup. I can't (and will not) disable the warning as it is also my warning for maintenance contracts about to expire, but I don't want to receive this message twice a day and miss out on the warning due to the "false positives". how can this be solved?

  • There are 3 possible causes for the error

    1) You actually are backing up a physical server (in which case you do need to buy one or more agent licenses

    2) You are backing up the media server as well as the virtual machines - our product managers are involved with the investigation and expecations against this. Note: The EULA does state that all physcial systems do need a separate license however the discussions are ongoing about the ability to backup the media server itself.

    3) You have some virtual systems that have to be backed up with the tradtional agent because the virtual agent process may not support teh configuration (GPT disks, Exchange DAGs etc) - again our product managers are involved with this as well.


    If you have either 2 or 3 then for the time being ignore the message, however be aware that depending on the outcome of the investigation that this status might change so I would encourage you to subscribe to the technote to receive updates if it is changed.

7 Replies

  • ...if you're talking about selecting the number of times this gets sent during the day, I don't think its possible...


  • Hi Craig,

    Thanks for your answer, but isn't odd that I get a warning for being "illegal" while actually being "legal" and the manufacturer not stepping up to solve the problem?

    The license and maintenance warning is the same notification setting so either I lose the functionality the maintenance warning, or I have to put up with daily "false positives". To me that is bad practice.

    Thanks, Marc

  • There are 3 possible causes for the error

    1) You actually are backing up a physical server (in which case you do need to buy one or more agent licenses

    2) You are backing up the media server as well as the virtual machines - our product managers are involved with the investigation and expecations against this. Note: The EULA does state that all physcial systems do need a separate license however the discussions are ongoing about the ability to backup the media server itself.

    3) You have some virtual systems that have to be backed up with the tradtional agent because the virtual agent process may not support teh configuration (GPT disks, Exchange DAGs etc) - again our product managers are involved with this as well.


    If you have either 2 or 3 then for the time being ignore the message, however be aware that depending on the outcome of the investigation that this status might change so I would encourage you to subscribe to the technote to receive updates if it is changed.

  • Thankfully only my backup server is physical, but that is not (yet) being backed up. So indeed, number 3 is the cause.

    I'm guessing there is no ETA for the fix?

  • We have not yet confirmed what is by design and what might be a defect as such there is no guarantee of a fix, although I believe the licensing models change sightly in the next version of Backup Exec which is likely to solve the issue just because of the change in behaviour