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Joll89's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP3 backup issue

Hi :-)


We have just upgraded our Exchange servers and after this was done i had to install the service patch on our Backup exec server for the Exchange as well so i was able to backup the mail boxes.. But now all the backup job on our exchanges servers is really bad! 


Normal file backup the issue looks like to be on the system state:

before the upgrade the size was round 7,8GB and run with a rate with 316 mb/min

Now it size is: 13,6GB and run with a rate of 9 MB/min. So it take about 24 hours to do a full backup with about 110 gb.


Our mail boxes is takinging a long time as well after the upgrade.

Our biggest mail store is about 800GB and the last success full we did was: 773 GB with a rate 1.566 MB/min

The last one i got though after the upgrade is: 833GB and with a rate on 448 MB/min


So its really bad performance after our upgrade :(


At the moment we have 2 Backup exec servers (in the midle of a migrate process to a new version)

Old one wich the exchange is running on is: 2010 R2 

I have tried to reinstall the backup agent without sucess.

Also tried to move the backup to our new backup server 2010 R3 (only tested with system state) and a new version of the backup exec agent and now i failed. So i can't get i back to a propper performance. Anyone have a surgestion to solve this?


Is it a bug / issue on the exchange server or do i need to install something on my backup Exec server to get it working again?

Let me know i you need more information or i have forgot something :-)

Looking forward to hear from you.




  • Are you attempting to back up the same Exchange 2010 Server with 2 different versions of Backup Exec? If so, that is not going to work as it is unsupported. The remote agent must be to the same level as the media server. If you are push jobs to one server with two versions the remote agent is not going to function properly.

    Also, Exchange 2010 has more requirements than any other version that need to be met. I would advise the following:

    1. Complete the upgrade to Backup Exec 2010 R3

    2. Complete the steps listed HERE for the requirements to backup Exchange 2010

    3. Update the Remote Agent on the Exchange Server by following the steps provided HERE

    4. Reboot the Backup Exec and Exchange Server after upgrading is completed

    5. From the Backup Exec console create a new job for the Exchange 2010 Server

    6. Separate the Information Store in an instance of its own per best practice methods found HERE

    7. Delete any jobs that migrated over that were backing up the OLD version of Exchange that is no longer in use

    If you are unable to browse the Information Store for Exchange 2010 from the Backup Exec 2010 R3 Server try going into the properties of the agent on the Exchange server and confirm the entries in the publish tab. It should list the Backup Exec Server by name and IP address. Remove any entries of the old Backup Exec 2010 R2 server and restart the Remote Agent service. Refer to the following document for detailed steps:

    Let me know if this helps


7 Replies

  • Hi,

    what version of Exchange did you upgrade too, and have you checked to make sure that the version of Exchange is supported by your version of BE 2010?

    Also, BE 2010 R3 is the latest (and last) version of BE, so it would make sense to upgrade to this (assuming your version of Exchange is supported, otherwise an upgrade to BE 2014 might be on the cards).

    Download BE 2010 R3 from the link below, upgrade your media servers and install the latest Service pack with subsequent patches before push-installing them to your remote servers.


  • Hi CraigV,

    We upgraded to:  Exchange Server 2010 | Microsoft Corporation | Version: 14.03.0195.001

    Yeah, i have both a R2 and a R3 backup exec server. I tried running a system state backup from both the systems with the same result :( at the moment the jobs just frozen..


    from what i can see it should be supported by Backup exec. 


    So kinda stuck :-/

  • Have you tried a restart of the media server?

    Any pending alerts within BE?


  • Yeah, Just did it again to be sure.

    Found out there was some systems agent that needed updated so pushed the version out and created a new job just to be sure. 

    At the moment it have been stuck for like 3 min :( (job rate atm 4 M/min and falling since the byte count is stading still on about 27 mb )


    I started the exchange server as well earlier today as well.


    Any other surgestions? :-)

  • Just got some info from the chat support with my new version of exchange i need to have R3 SP3. So i will verify that can giv and update after that has been done :-)

  • Are you attempting to back up the same Exchange 2010 Server with 2 different versions of Backup Exec? If so, that is not going to work as it is unsupported. The remote agent must be to the same level as the media server. If you are push jobs to one server with two versions the remote agent is not going to function properly.

    Also, Exchange 2010 has more requirements than any other version that need to be met. I would advise the following:

    1. Complete the upgrade to Backup Exec 2010 R3

    2. Complete the steps listed HERE for the requirements to backup Exchange 2010

    3. Update the Remote Agent on the Exchange Server by following the steps provided HERE

    4. Reboot the Backup Exec and Exchange Server after upgrading is completed

    5. From the Backup Exec console create a new job for the Exchange 2010 Server

    6. Separate the Information Store in an instance of its own per best practice methods found HERE

    7. Delete any jobs that migrated over that were backing up the OLD version of Exchange that is no longer in use

    If you are unable to browse the Information Store for Exchange 2010 from the Backup Exec 2010 R3 Server try going into the properties of the agent on the Exchange server and confirm the entries in the publish tab. It should list the Backup Exec Server by name and IP address. Remove any entries of the old Backup Exec 2010 R2 server and restart the Remote Agent service. Refer to the following document for detailed steps:

    Let me know if this helps


  • Hi Laurie,


    That is what i was doing :-D Thanks for the info, and that was the solution as well :-)


    There was a update on the backup exec server regarding the exchange mgmt console i installed after that was applied and did the above i manage to do a full backup and our incremental backup has been runing fine the rest of the weekend :-)


    Thanks alot for the help.


