Forum Discussion

usersky's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

One of my the backup file name never increment.


All my backup file name is increment. 
Except only my NAV SQL backup file name is using the same filename, it's still using B2D000005.bkf.

I using backup exec 2010. My server OS is w2k8 R2 std.

Kindly advise is this normal?
  • Ooops my maths failed me - yes it is 30GB not 50GB

    With regards setting the overwrite there are 2 ways
    - Set your media sets to 0 days append instead of infinite and new media will be created
    - In your backup job properties use the Device and Media Section to choose how the job begins

    As mentioend your other media set is kind of doing the same thing - you are only seeing more than one BKF file there as your data has overflowed the 30GB limit a few times.

    Finally I would reduce your overwrite protection settinsg down form Infinite to a sensible or appropriate number of days or weeks as well as otherwise unless you manually move media to be overwriteable then your hard disk will fill up.

10 Replies

  • Hi,
    check if your job is not overwriting media.


  • Sorry for the late reply,

    I using the same policy for my backup on my AD, terminal and SQL server.
    Configuration for these three servers are all the same, except save in different file name.
    Only my SQL server backup data never show the incremental state.
  • Your backup data is keep in different media sets which would probably have different Overwrite Protection Period (OPP).  If the media set containing your SQL server backup is such that the file can be overwritten when you run your job, then it will just re-use the file and not create a new one with a different file name.  Check the OPP of this media set to make sure that it is not set to too short a period.

  • My backup data is keep in same media sets, all under NAS, but in different folders. And all using the same policies, only asign to their respective folders for their backup data. I not sure why my SQL backup data keep overwrite. Kindly advise.
  • Each of your folders are defined using a media set.  Go to the Media tab and identify the media set that the folder belongs to and then check the OPP of the media set.
  •  I have checked the opp that nothing for me to change.
    Kindly advise.
    Here the screen shot of two server, one SQL and terminal server.

  • OK you seem to be set to let BKF files reach 50GB and you have the media set as Infinite Append on the NavBackup Media set.
    This also shows that the media was overwritten on the 5th August and has been appended to at least once since then (on the 23rd August)

    If the jobs that use the NavBackup media set contain only a small amount of data and the jobs are set to Append then it won't create a new file until you reach 50GB

    Same applies to your other media sets which makes me think the reason you see more than one file on the other sets is you are backing up more data in those jobs.

  • Acutally I have set my BKF files to 30GB not 50GB.
    By the way how to disable my jobs not set to Append state.
    Kindly advise. 
  • Ooops my maths failed me - yes it is 30GB not 50GB

    With regards setting the overwrite there are 2 ways
    - Set your media sets to 0 days append instead of infinite and new media will be created
    - In your backup job properties use the Device and Media Section to choose how the job begins

    As mentioend your other media set is kind of doing the same thing - you are only seeing more than one BKF file there as your data has overflowed the 30GB limit a few times.

    Finally I would reduce your overwrite protection settinsg down form Infinite to a sensible or appropriate number of days or weeks as well as otherwise unless you manually move media to be overwriteable then your hard disk will fill up.
  • Thanks for your advice, I will go test it out and see how it goes.