Forum Discussion

Chris_Gerasimou's avatar
19 years ago

Program stuck on "Loading Media" when backing up image files

WE have 2 client sites which are both using Veritas 9.1 to backup data. Both sites are experiencing the same symptoms. WHen they hit a users directory with images in them, it seems to jam the backup process and does not proceed any further. The activity log just reads "Loading Media". There is still plenty of space left on the tape and there are no alerts. It seems a strange coincedence that it is happening at 2 diff sites but on the same type of data.. Any insights????

3 Replies

  • Hello,

    You may try backup on new tapes or erase the tapes before backup. To
    troubleshoot the issue further, try backup on Backup to Disk folder. Go to
    Alerts tab > Double click on any Alerts present and check the
    option "Automatically Display new Alerts" and then run backup job.
    You may split the backup job in to two, i.e., backup remote machine and
    local drives in separate backup jobs. This step is for test purpose only.
    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • what is the size of the entire backup job and what size tapes are you using?

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your responses. 2 issues were at work here. Firsty at one of the sites, one of the users decided to add 6 gb worth of data which meant it exceeded the tape capacity. The other site was a faulty tape which we have now replaced. It just happened that both jobs stoped in the same directory and on the same file type.

