Forum Discussion

9 Replies

  • If it is not in the HCL, then it is not supported. Even if you managed to get it to work, you would not be able to log a support case with Symantec when things go wrong. You are on your own
  • There are quite a bit of Quantum Superloader 3's listed in the HCL along with the drive type and interface. I believe the L700 uses the DLT-S4 drive. Best to check the device and drive inquiry string and see if it matches in the HCL or not.

  • I think the "L700"  is just the internal model number that Quantum uses.  All the marketing is simply done with "SuperLoader 3".  So you can ignore the "L700" for HCL purposes as it doesn't clarify the type of drive or interface.

    What tape drive and tape drive inquiry string do you have? 

    What interface are you using (pSCSI, SAS, FC)?

    Can you post your adamm.log file from BE 2010?

    Have you tried it with BE 2014?

    The SuperLoader 3 doesn't have major differences between the BE 2010 and BE 2014 HCLs. I expect yours to work and be supported with both BE versions, but the details are needed to confirm.

  • I looked at the Identifiers in the registry for the drive and it showed:



    Is that the correct string I'm looking for?


  • I checked and was unable to find the adamm.log under the BackupExec folder. Should I be looking elsewhere?

  • The adamm.log file is one level deeper... under the \logs folder.

    A Quantum SuperLoader 3 with Quantum LTO4 is listed as supported when using SAS, but I don't see a listing for parallel SCSI.  Maybe it is just an oversight and missing from the HCL as I bet it works fine with either the SCSI or SAS interface.

  • So the adamm.log said the same thing as the registry. I haven't tried the BE 2014 because we are doing a hardware refresh and fresh install. I don't want to interrupt the current server because it's in production. I also don't want to use our current tape drive if we are going to run into problems with BE 2014.

  • We have confirmed that the Quantum SuperLoader 3 robotic library with Quantum LTO4 SCSI tape drive is missing from the Backup Exec HCLs.  We are working to correct that.