Forum Discussion

TeeJayUu's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

System Lock on Quantum SuperLoader


Have just purchased a Quantum SuperLoader 3 and using BUE 2010 (R1).  Every time I perform an operation on the tape (Job, Inventory, etc) I get the following when I try and eject the tape:

System Lock, Chk Bkup SW Cfg

Admittedly, I am new to tape loader having used a HP DAT 160 drive, but the only way I seem to be able to eject the tape is to turn the server off, turn the Quantum off, turn the Quantum back on, eject the tape and turn the server back on.

Does anyone one else use a SuperLoader that can point me in the right directionor is it something to do with BUE?



  • @TeeJayUu - I think you should not disable the locking of the library.  If you do that, someone can remove the magazine while a backup is being done and you might end up with a failure.

    You should schedule an unlock job instead.  Right-click on the library and select Unlock.  You will get an Unlock job, you can then use the schedule section to schedule it to run at a convenient time.  I run mine at 0845 hours so that the library is unlocked when I start my day.