Forum Discussion

Michael_Gray1's avatar
14 years ago

BE2010 Dedupe to SAN - final error 0x2000040d S_TF_NO_TAPE_PRESENT

Running on Windows Server 03 R2 x64 SP2 Started late last week sporadically, now I can't run any backup jobs.   Dedupe runs to a drive that is mapped to the SAN, it's been working for months w/...
  • Michael_Gray1's avatar
    14 years ago


    After the issue was escalated to Symantec Level 3 support they were able to quickly establish root cause. 

    ROOT CAUSE:  Our configuration was configured to split up the DeDupe folder and DeDupe database onto different volumes.  Although the DeDupe volume had more than 14GB of free space it wasn't enough for the Postgress log files / background operations to perform a specific operation (required temp space margin).  We added another 50GB of space to the volume and backup jobs began working again.