Forum Discussion

stenorman2001's avatar
12 years ago

Mac OS X Agent stalling during backup

  When attempting to backup files from our Mac OS X 10.6.8 file server, we are encountering a problem where the backup will stall if it encounters a file containing non-standard characters.   F...
  • stenorman2001's avatar
    12 years ago


    When you start the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Mac (RAMS) from an SSH session, backups may stall when encountering files or folders with non-ASCII characters in their names.


    When you remotely access Mac OS X over SSH, the locale environment variables are not set, resulting in the session using C-language encoding.

    If the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Mac is started over SSH, it inherits the encoding of the session, resulting in backups stalling when encountering file and folder names that do not match the C-language encoding.


    OPTION 1

    Start the Remote Agent from a Terminal session by connecting to the server using Apple Remote Desktop or VNC.

    OPTION 2

    Before starting the Remote Agent, execute the following commands in the SSH session:

    export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
    export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

    This will set the session's language to English (US) with UTF-8 encoding.