Forum Discussion

serverguy78's avatar
14 years ago

Tape errors

Hello, my tape drive has been having alot of errors with writing backups.  The errors I have seen are E00084C7(dirty tape error) and E00084EC(close to capacity errors). I'm using the Symantec drivers...
  • itsmeaffinity's avatar
    14 years ago

    Hi ,


    For long term basis you can go with latest lto5 tape library for good vendor like Quantum ,Dell 

    Also you can go with NAS box were you can perform backup to backup to disk in this only issue would be for example if you will have maximum storage like 2 tb for NAS so you cannot expand & so you have to re use data on it

    If all above post have cleared your dout you can mark one of the post as solved 

    Thank You