Forum Discussion

informatica-cat's avatar
9 years ago

Replace tapes on autoloader while backup jobs executing

Hi, I am using Backup Exec 15 on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard. I have a HP Autoloader 1/8 G2. Usually I replace each day the tapes used by the backup jobs and this way the backup jobs always have available tapes. Sometimes (usually when there are several non working days in a row) the backup jobs use all available tapes on the autoloader. My question is: How should I replace the used tapes without canceling the running backup jobs?

Thanks in advance.

  • Just mark the solution that helped...but manually placing hardware offline and then placing it online isn't efficient and you should be looking to automate this.


  • That does not sound right as I would not expect you to have to touch the LCD menu on the library to do an import and export as backup Exec should do these actvities for you.


    I also would not expect to have to take the library offline.


28 Replies

  • So what you are saying is that there is not need to do an inventory after an import job.  BE will try the imported tapes to see whether they are suitable.  Is this still true when the import job is done, say 10 minutes, before the backup job.

    The need to do an inventory depends upon a variety of factors:

    • Does the tape have a bar code and the library have a bar code reader?  If yes, then the need for inventories is reduced greatly, but not eliminated as the only way to know some things for sure is to mount the tape in the tape drive and read it.
    • Is the tape and/or bar code already "known" to BE (meaning that it is in the BE database and the tape hasn't been altered externally)?  If yes, then the need for inventories is reduced.
    • Is a backup job running and asking for overwritable media to be imported?  If yes, then there is no need to run an inventory as BE will test the media for itself automatically, as it has for many, many years.  If no, then you MAY want to run an inventory. 
    • Is the tape brand new or from some other environment?  If yes, then I would do an inventory and an erase job to make sure it is the BE database and is ready for use.


    Notice that BE has an "add-on" option when doing an import in that you can automatically have it do an inventory job also.  This has many benefits as you cannot run an inventory job from the GUI until the media is in the storage slot.  So using the combined import & inventory job reduces effort & reduces human error.

  • If no, then you MAY want to run an inventory

    Why?  You are saying that BE is capable of using tapes which has not been inventoried.

  • Excuse me for not replying until now but I’ve had problems accessing the forum, it seems our corporate network security programs blocked access to the forum. Excuse me also for my bad English.

    Right now I’ve done a test related to automatic inventory of tapes. I have done a right-click on a slot from the autoloader and I have selected EXPORT TAPES option (I am translating from Spanish) and the IMPORT AFTER EXPORT sub-option. Then I have gone to the LCD Menu and I have set the unit offline, exported the tape and loaded another tape into this slot. Then I set the unit online. The job finishes and the slot shows UNKNOWN MEDIA at the LABEL column.

    It seems to me that this option may work only when using barcodes or doesn’t work with my autoloader model or maybe I am doing some kind of operational mistake.

    I want to thank all of you for your kind help. I think that right now we can shut this thread.

    Thanks again.



  • Just mark the solution that helped...but manually placing hardware offline and then placing it online isn't efficient and you should be looking to automate this.


  • That does not sound right as I would not expect you to have to touch the LCD menu on the library to do an import and export as backup Exec should do these actvities for you.


    I also would not expect to have to take the library offline.


    • If no, then you MAY want to run an inventory

    Why?  You are saying that BE is capable of using tapes which has not been inventoried.

    Yes, BE is capable of using a tape which has not been inventoried..  Like many things, there are advantages & disadvantage to everything.

    Generally, doing an inventory is a good thing, but it is not always required.

  • Right now I’ve done a test related to automatic inventory of tapes. I have done a right-click on a slot from the autoloader and I have selected EXPORT TAPES option (I am translating from Spanish) and the IMPORT AFTER EXPORT sub-option. Then I have gone to the LCD Menu and I have set the unit offline, exported the tape and loaded another tape into this slot. Then I set the unit online. The job finishes and the slot shows UNKNOWN MEDIA at the LABEL column.

    This is not the scenario that you asked about in your original post.

    If a backup is running and needs media, please IMPORT, as the BE prompt requests.

    If a backup is not running, then a simple EXPORT, followed by an IMPORT with INVENTORY, shoud be all that is needed.

    Using the IMPORT AFTER EXPORT without a bar code reader and bar code labels will result in a n <unknown media> appearing in your loader.  You will either need to run an inventory on it or wait for a backup job to need media, at which point BE may mount it to determine what it is.

  • Larry, I'm sorry I didn't explained well in my last comment; I think I haven't a good enough level of English. My last comment it's about a collateral or related question. I was exploring some options, not changing the subject of my thread.

    Thanks for your comments.
