Forum Discussion

7 Replies

  • hi , 

    i have Backup exec 2012 and i need to restore some files from the tape

    the server that i need to restore from it is no more working ,  so i cannot access it from server list in order
    to restore data from tape .
    when importing tape and catalogue it i dont find any menus that allows me to restore directely from Tape
    (like Backup exec 2010)
    so i need to know how to  restore directly from tape (like the last version Bakcup Exec 2010)
    Thanks a lot

  • 1) Inventory and catalog your tape.

    2) In the Backup and Restore tab, you would be able to see the defunct server.  You can then double-click on this server, select your backup set and do the restore.


    BTW, do not tag your discussion with all the available tags.  Choose only the appropriate tags.

  • ok pkh,
    and if i have a tape that i have imported from another backup server  ,that's mean the name of the server does not appears in the list of servers ? what should i do ?

  • You got to inventory and catalog the tape first before the server will appear
  • Thank you Pkh ,

    that's mean if my tape contain 5 backup set of 5 old server (and there are not listed in BE 2012 console)

    there will appear's in the liste of server ?


    Thanks a lot



  • Yes, If you go to storage and go inside tape where backup was taken and then to Backup Sets then you will find the backup sets of all th servers.

