Forum Discussion

James_Andrews's avatar
18 years ago

Restore question

I backup nightly and then run a batch file that runs Winzip command line utility that zips up the media and then another program the offloads that zipped file for offsite storage. The offsite storage site keeps a months worth of zipped files for me. Today for the first time I need to restore a file that is 3 weeks old. I am now in the process of downloading it back from the off site storage.

My question is what do I need to do with these older .bak files in order to access them to restore a file?


3 Replies

  • Once you're restored the backup file to your B2D folder you should just need to run an inventory job on your B2D folder within Backup Exec Devices, and that will then detect the presence of the backup file. If the catalog information isn't still present you'll also need to run a catalog job on that file to read in the contents information so you can select the relevant files for your restore job.
  • OK I moved my current bak files to another directory. I unziped my backup from 12/1 into the normal B2D folder and went to devices to do inventory. Inventory completed successfully. Then I seleceted all media in the right pane and clicked on catalog. After a few seconds I got this error

    Catalog 0033 -- The job failed with the following error: One or more pieces of media in the media family being cataloged has not been inventoried.
    No objects on these media may be cataloged.

    In all my searching I never found a posted solution, well here is what solved my problem...

    On the Media Server stop all Backup Exec services. Find your way to the BackupExec program folder, usually found at "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\NT" and change the name of the "Catalog" folder to anything else, I used Catalog1. Then start the BackupExec services again, and BE will create a new Catalog folder. Then Select only the media you will be restoring from and inventory it and then the Catalog should run correctly.

    The problem I was having was that my Backup to Disk file names were being re used every few nights so the BE catalogs were 'confused' by the fact that I had different versions of the same file name.