Forum Discussion

ITCowboy42's avatar
13 years ago

Server with Continual Protection Agent randomly crashes

A Little History:

  We have been running Backup Exec 2010 and Continual Protection server for a long time with no problems. It was originally set up like this:

  Backup Exec Media Server: An older Poweredge 4600
                                           Windower Server 2003 Standard
                                           BE was stored to Tape, CPS ran on the drives


 Backup Exec/CPS Agent: Dell NX1950 w/ MD 3000 attached
                                        Windows Storage Server 2003 x64
                                        One Large storage area, being backup up to Media server, tape and CPS


Ok, anyway, the Storage server just randomly started rebooting anywhere from once a week to several times a day. With Dell support we were finally able to determine that it was a conflict between CPS, and Microsoft SIS. First I uninstalled CPS, and everything ran fine, but we like to use CPS, and we had not much use for SIS, but it was a little difficult to uninstall, so I ended up rebuilding the Storage Server later.

Right after that I had some other issues that needed to be taken care of that were unrelated, but I was not able to install CPS yet, although the standard Backup Exec was running and working. During this time, I decided to move the media server to another machine, still an old one, but not as old. so I rebuilt and transferred the BE Media Server to a Poweredge 1900 running Server 2003 R2 x64. 

At this point Backup Exec was working for a couple weeks. 

I installed CPS and pushed the client to the storage server, and the next day created new CPS jobs. A day later the Storage Server again crashed randomly with the same error message as before any rebuilds or moving (Mind you single instance storage is not installed since the rebuild of the storage server)

Both before and after rebuilds, the message stays the same (as follows):


Event Type: Warning
Event Source: USER32
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1076
Date: 5/1/2012
Time: 1:05:38 PM
User: SC\rdamin
Computer: SC-3
The reason supplied by user SC\Rdamin for the last unexpected shutdown of this computer is: System Failure: Stop error
 Reason Code: 0x805000f
 Bug ID: 
 Bugcheck String: 0x00000050 (0xffffffffffffffd0, 0x0000000000000001, 0xfffff8000102593f, 0x0000000000000000)
 Comment: 0x00000050 (0xffffffffffffffd0, 0x0000000000000001, 0xfffff8000102593f, 0x0000000000000000)
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 0f 00 05 08               ....    
All it says when reporting is that it is a driver error. It is a User32 error only because the message only shows up after rebooting
The system shuts down with no symptoms and no warning, even after I stop the CPS services from running. I am uninstalling them tonight to see what happens, but I bet it will be fixed when uninstalled. 
We would like to use CPS, but cannot have the system randomly crashing, as it is a production server. Can anyone help me with some ideas?


1 Reply

  • You might want to note that CPS is EOL with BE 2010.  This means that BE 2012 does not have CPS.