Forum Discussion

scooter133's avatar
18 years ago

Set a Backup Job/Schedule like MS SQL Management Studio?

In MS SQL Management Studio we have our SQL Data backed up as follows:
Backup Data, Mon-Fri, Place it in a Folder and keep  a weeks worth of backups.
Backup Data Saturday Place it in a Folder, Keep 4 weeks worth of backups.
So Every day it backs up Data (New Data File) and then deletes the backup Data that is more then x# of weeks old.
Seems like the only way I can get BE to do this is to set up a Backup job for each day of the week and have it overwrite the previous week's backup.   I end up with 5 jobs, 5 Backup to Disk locations, etc...  In SQL Managemetne Studio it is just one Job for M-F and one for Saturday. 
Is there a way to set up something similar in BE??
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