Forum Discussion

vbsaust's avatar
Level 5
16 years ago

Shadow Copy Component and System State Backup failed

Hi All,

Please help me, we have been  troobleshooting for this isse for 5 days and run out of ideas.
Actually I already posted but tihs time I would like to narrow down this issue and make it more clearly. I do appologise if I violate the rules

Here is my scenario:

this server was down and I got an error message before the windows started loading as below

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the
original Setup CD-ROM.
Select ‘r’ at the first screen to start repair.

 Then I did as follows and I got this server up and running again

Copy C:\%systemroot%\repair\regback\system C"\%systemroot%\system32\config\system.

This issue is related to System Hive.

OK now it is leading to another issue related to Backup Exec 12.5 as described as below
while it is backing up, it causes this server hang, and I have to manually reboot server.sometimes

Here it is Error logs

V-79-57344-65247 - A failure occurred reading an object.

WARNING: "\\DBS01\System?State\Registry\Registry" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
V-79-57344-65247 - A failure occurred reading an object.

WARNING: "\\DBS01\System?State\System Files\System Files" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

WARNING: "\\DBS01\Shadow?Copy?Components\System?Service\Event Logs\Event Logs" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

The .DR file that is required for Intelligent Disaster Recovery is not updated.
Here is another error log

Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe000fe36 - Corrupt data encountered. See the job log for details.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65078

Briefly, so I copyied the system hive, now I cannot back up this server anymore. I want to restore the shadow copy component and system state from nightly backup tape. Is it safe? or is there any better ways to fix this issue? 

Media server: Windows 2003 server, DC, Backup Exec 12.5
Problem server: Windows 2003, SQL server, member server.

Again please help me I ran out of ideas.

Any help/ idea would be much appreciated
  • Hi All,

    Thought I'd keep you guys updated that I have given up, All I did was that fortunately I did a cloned HD before, so I just swapped the HD and restore the databases,


5 Replies

  • Thank you Craig for your response and link.
    I have tried almost everything suggested from Symantec web.

    I can do backup all databases (instances) without System state (SS) and shadow copy component (SCC) fine, once I checked box SS and SCC, it causes the server frozen. before it did not casue this server hang just failed and gave the errors as I mentioned earlier.

    Thanks in advance


  • Hi All,

    Thought I'd keep you guys updated that I have given up, All I did was that fortunately I did a cloned HD before, so I just swapped the HD and restore the databases,

  • Hi All,

    Thought I'd keep you guys updated that I have given up, All I did was that fortunately I did a cloned HD before, so I just swapped the HD and restore the databases,
