Forum Discussion

KurtHabecker's avatar
12 years ago

Simplified Disaster Recovery - Inactive Storage Controller

I'm trying to do a Simplified Disaster Recovery to an old Dell PowerEdge 2850 server that has a PERC 4e/Di RAID Controller. When I begin the recovery SDR show the RAID Controller in the Inactive Storage Controllers section. I checked the Dell web site fro the 2850 and it states "For Windows Server 2008 (pre-R2), please use the native driver in the OS media, no additional driver is needed." How do I get a driver loaded for the RAID Controller so that I can continue with the SDR restore?

Thanks for your help.

  • Problem was that while Windows Server 2008 (pre-R2) may have drivers that support the RAID Controller WinPE apparently does not. After searching the Internet I found that a Windows 2003 driver apparently works for WinPE. Tried it and the controller becuase available.

3 Replies

  • If yu tried the 64 bit SDR disk, try the 32bit one, if you tried the 32bit one, try the 64bit one

    The SDR disk is a version of WinPE so if native support is offered it will be in one of the disk types but maybe not both as it is possible that controller is only supported by drivers for one bit level.

  • Colin...Thank you for the suggestion. While the production server is a 32-bit machine the test server that I'm doig the restore on is indeed a 64-bit machine. I've created a 64-bit SDR CD and have booted from that but the RIAD Controller is still Inactive. I've also gone through the DDB folder and tried loading each of the Dell.PERC drivers included but the Controller remains Inactive.

  • Problem was that while Windows Server 2008 (pre-R2) may have drivers that support the RAID Controller WinPE apparently does not. After searching the Internet I found that a Windows 2003 driver apparently works for WinPE. Tried it and the controller becuase available.