Forum Discussion

burakaltunok's avatar
11 years ago

SQL differential backup problem

When we take Full backup,we did'nt faced any problem,but take differential backup we get an error:


(Server: "BACKUPSRV") (Job: "pdkssrv Backup 00065-Differential") pdkssrv Backup 00065-Differential -- The job failed with the following error: The Backup Exec SQL Agent was not used to create the last full, differential, or log backup of this database. You must use the SQL Agent to run a full backup before you can run a differential backup or transaction log backup. 



  • This problem occurs then there is another backup between the full backup and the differential backup.  For example, if the server with the SQL database is a VM and you do a VM backup between the full backup and the differential backup or you are using a SQL maintenance plan to do your SQL database backups on top of the BE SQL backups.

    The solution is to use only BE to do all SQL backups.  If you are doing VM backups, do the VM backups before the full backup and not between the full and differential backup.

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