Forum Discussion

aag's avatar
13 years ago

Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 for Windows Server and Debian Linux with Linux Kernel 3.0 AMD64Bit Client problems

We use ymantec Backup Exec 12.5 for Windows Server inclusive Linux Client License.


The Linux client works fine but now we have a Debian Linux with Linux Kernel 3.0 AMD64Bit where the client doesn't work. Is there an update for the client somewhere? Any other solution (CentOS  64 Bit Linux seems to work)?

Greetings and thanks


5 Replies

  • I don't think Linux Kernel 3.0 is supported.  The only Debian version supported is 4 and this definitely does not have Kernel 3.0.  See the SCL below

    BE 12.5 Software (SCL)

    CentOS is never supported.

  • Why bother to respond to a thread with no activity for 5 months?

    And then only to repeat the last existing post?

  • Ken,

    I didn't look at the post date, I just happened upon it during a search.  Also, there is a difference in saying that the Kernel is not supported via the SCL and just leaving it there, or actually helping the poster try and work around it if they so choose.

    I've been using Ubuntu for some time with good luck in BE (until recently with the 3.x Kernel), because all you have to do is make a small edit to the install files to get BE 12.5 or 2010 to install and work properly, provided you have a 2.6.x kernel.

    I'm unwilling to reinstall my entire linux server to a different distro just because of the Symantec party line that 'It's not supported in the SCL'.  It was that opinion that led me to the workaround I had in 12.5 (which was fairly simple) to get the RALUS agent installed and working on Ubuntu as opposed to straight Debian.

    SO, whenever I see a thread like this, I'd rather offer my experience already having had the issue, because in this instance, there's an actual solution.