Forum Discussion

Niko_Turunen's avatar
10 years ago

System State backup fails



I'm having problems with backing up Windows Server 2008 R2's system state. My problem is exactly same as in the post:

I followed the instructions on that post to get debug log from job, but I cant find file that is in use from the log. Could I pm my log to someone who could take a look at it?


Niko Turunen

  • Here is the error:-

    Status 0x0000007B returned calling FindFirstFile for \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy154\program files\java\jre6/bin/java.exe in brUtil::GenerateFileList

    Correct the / to \ and this is typically for the ImagePath key under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service name>\

8 Replies

  • Hey,


    Version of Backup Exec is 2012 - 14.0 Re. 1798 (64bit)

    I'll send you the log.

  • Hey,

    The log file contains names, ips, etc so I wouldnt like to post it anywhere public. I can send it to you aswell via pm. 


  • Here is the error:-

    Status 0x0000007B returned calling FindFirstFile for \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy154\program files\java\jre6/bin/java.exe in brUtil::GenerateFileList

    Correct the / to \ and this is typically for the ImagePath key under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service name>\