Forum Discussion

Jay_Camp's avatar
19 years ago

Tape allocation issues

I am running BackupExec 9.1 SP2 on a Win 2K Adv server with a Dell PV136T. I have LTO1 tapes.

My backup jobs are not running when they should because Veritas thinks I am out of usable tapes. The Overwrite is set to 6 days for my daily Differential backups with Infinite Append. The Overwrite is set to 89 days for the weekly Full backups with Infinite Append.

The backup jobs queue on schedule then wait for me to insert writeable media. Each media set has tapes with plenty of room left on them to append to but, for some reason it won't append to any of them. Some tapes have 1.2G used and some have 180G used.

What can I do to have all tapes in the media sets appended to, then overwritten at the end of the Overwrite Protect period?


1 Reply

  • Make sure that you have selected to append to media in the backup job.


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