Tape driver for BuE 2016 where to get it?
I have a LTO8 drive.... which is not discovered and I get a alert like "BuE was unable to ini and communicate with the device [HPE......."
Until 2015 this meaned I need to install the tape driver, but I do not find in in the BuE folder (tapeinst.exe)
But this is not there in 2016,google says click the link in the BuE GUI, see below, but I get 404 page
And I do not find any thing useful searching on that page.
So can some one please give me a working link?
Hi thx for the quick reply,
yes I checked that before... and yes "HPE Ultrium 30750 LTO8" it is in HCL for 2016
And yes the drive is shown in device manager but without any driver.7. Required support can be found in "FP2 Hotfix 128051". Use the latest Feature Pack available: <https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.TECH000128051> or via LiveUpdate
I did run LiveUpdae and it did not download anything. It says "Thx for using LiveUpdate , All Symantec products and components on your computer are currently up-to-date...."
So I asumed I do not have to download "FP2 Hotfix 128051" manually... which I'm doing now...
Ok this Hotfix helped. I now see the LTO8 Drive and the library in Storage tab and it's happy.
I can erase LTO8 tape so it looks promising :)But the drive is still shown in device manager without driver.
Not sure why LiveUpdate does not fix that or any hotfix, I mean it said there are not updates... maybe our proxy makes trouble there, but then I do not understand why it does not complain about not working internet access.