Forum Discussion

Daniel_Reichard's avatar
19 years ago

Tape isn't detected in BE until restart of the services

Hello Newsgroup,

we're working with BE 10.0 SP3 on a Windows 2000 Advanced Server (Benchmark DLT Drive with Veritas Driver 5.01 built b) and have the following problem:

After changing the tape BE doesn't detect the new tape and doesn't back up. We have to restart the BE services so that BE detect the new tape and back up.

Has somebody an idea to solve our problem?

Thanks for your help.
Daniel Reichardt

1 Reply

  • Hello,

    Please note that, when a new tape is inserted, you need to run an Inventory
    operation on the drive so that the tape label is recognized.

    Hence please run Inventory operation and observe the result.


    Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.
