Forum Discussion

Erich_Brauchli's avatar
14 years ago

Tape media identification fails

After upgrade of all our PCs to Windows 7 Enterprise (64bit) we tried to replace BE 2010 with a new BE 2010 R2 installation. This is not supported. Thus we installed it on a virtual (VMware) Server 2008 R2 with DLT V4/DLT-VS1 Quantum tape units.

  1. Step 1 works fine: write label on tape (to get it registered in BE), execute a backup on either disk or tape, restore this data.
  2. Step 2a: with Symantec drivers installed in the tape units: after labeling one tape in a tapeunit (and optionally writing some backup on it), then eject the tape and mount another one. Inventory identified any tape as the one, which was in last.  Wite a new label will change the name of that only tape in the BE DB. Putting back in the first tape, it appears again under this new name. Restore is possible.
  3. Step 2b: with Quantum drivers installed in the tape units: after labeling one tape in a tapeunit (and optionally writing some backup on it), then eject the tape and mount another one. Inventory will show it as an unknown foreign tape (if it is not new, but rather was already used in an older BE installation). Put back in the first tape, it gets identified correctly and restore ist possible.
  4. Step 3: with either driver loaded in the tape units: after a reboot, none of the already registered tape can be identified any more. Any tape media (wether already labeled on this BE instance or comming from another BE installation) is identified as a no-name tape of type "Imported/Foreign Media" with unknown format. Even if a backup was written in this BE installation before the reboot, catalog or restore date will fail due to unkown format.

Is there a configuration option or a patch available to make tapes identifiable again, even over reboots?

Best regards EB