Forum Discussion

Peter_Caton's avatar
19 years ago

Tapes Changing Media Sets

. I have an autoloader that serves various backup jobs. I have created various Media Sets and placed the tapes into the set that I want a specific backup job to use. Oddly enough, the backup jobs use ANY media, and then move media from one Media Set into another. In other words, I have 2 tapes in "Media Set 1" and 1 tape in "Media Set 2." I have configued one backup job to use the 2 tapes in "Media Set 1" and another backup job to use the tape in "Media Set 2." WHen the backup jobs run, backup job 1 uses the tape from Media Set 2 and then moves this tape into "Media Set 1."

There is another post that describes the exact same thing that is happening to me.컔

In this post, it is said that I need to change the option "to use overwritable media in the target media before scratch media."

Unfortunately, I don't have this options under Tools -> Options -> Media Management.

Instead, I have

1)Overwrite scratch media before overwriting recycled media in the targeted media set.

2) Overwrite recyclable media contained in the targeted media set before overwriting scratch media.

#2 is the one checked. Should I select #1 to resolve this issue? If not, what other setting needs to be made to successfully get a backup job to use tapes in the Media Set I specify?

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