Forum Discussion

jaspreetsidhu's avatar
3 years ago

tape media ownership change due to media appliance refresh


We are using 5230 as a media server with virtual master server, tape library is connected to the media server. We are doing tech refresh of 5230 with 5250 media server. As of now, same tape library will be used but by the end of the year tape library will also be refreshed.

How do I change the ownership of tape media so the backup & restores are performed from the new 5250 appliance media server?

  • Hi jaspreetsidhu 

    Simple - use the bpmedia command:

    bpmedia -movedb -allvolumes -newserver <5250 name> -oldserver <5230 name>


3 Replies

  • Hi jaspreetsidhu 

    Simple - use the bpmedia command:

    bpmedia -movedb -allvolumes -newserver <5250 name> -oldserver <5230 name>


    • jaspreetsidhu's avatar
      Level 3

      Thanks for the solution.

      Meanwhile what all other actions I would need to perform for the tape library except zoning it to the new media server? How do I make those actions like commands? May be like moving the robot/drive ownership etc?

  • Hi

    Aren't you decommissioning this old NBU app? I would duplicate all backup images from old one to new one, expire these on old and than run nbdecommssion command to decommission this old one. It will move the tapes to the new server:

    nbdecommission -help
    nbdecommission -oldserver <hostname>
    [-list_ref | -newserver <hostname> [-bulk_media_move] [-file <op_dump_file>]]
    [-machinetype media | foreign_media | ndmp | replication_host]
    [-M <master_server>] [-reason "<reason>"] [-v]