Forum Discussion

Dominic_Moore's avatar
17 years ago

Tapes identified as cleaning media, all jobs prevented from running


Strangely I now can't locate other posts I've read about this so here it is again.

Backup Exec randomly identifies some media as cleaning media and therefore holds the job waiting for valid media to be inserted in the library. There is no option to automatically cancel a job on a library insert alert so all tape jobs wait until I manually intervene. Deleting the media from the cleaning media set and then scanning the loader slot restores the correct the information and I can acknowledge the alert to allow the job(s) to continue.

A reply to my previous post said that if there is no response from the drive within a certain time BE assumes the media is cleaning media (makes no sense to me; no alert). Backup Exec is returning an error to the event log so it should know what's going on - "Adamm Mover Error: Unload Status Failure!" after two "Adamm Mover Error: Unload Status Retry!" errors in about three minutes.

Is there a way I can increase this timeout or at leat cancel the job? At present there is no way to force the job to continue or cancel without manual intervention and the best I can do is set the library insert alert to send me an email. As email notifications are also unreliable this is far from ideal.

Anyone solved this?

Backup Exec 11d 7170 on Windows 2003 R2

2 Replies

  • Here is the previous post you had on this issue.

    Is there a way I can increase this timeout or at leat cancel the job?
    Not that I am aware of.
  • Yep, this is one of my favorite Backup Exec behaviors.  Assuming that tapes are cleaning media if they don't get read in some arbitrary period.  That's like a program experiencing trouble writing a file to a hard drive so it decides to "take matters into it's own hands" and format the entire drive in order to try again when the obvious solution is to throw an error and halt operations.