Forum Discussion

Brian_Heisey's avatar
20 years ago

Unable to establish connection to the Media Server

Running IDR test on an XP SP2 workstation. Was backed up to the media server in preparation for Disaster Recovery without any problems. Media server is running Windows Server 2003.

Restore of XP SP2 workstation stops with logon prompt for the media server. Every attempt to logon comes back with "Unable to establish connection to the Media Server"

Veritas knowledgebase doc# 273066 gives the opposite details (problem restoring 2003 machine from an XP media server).

Any clues?
  • Hello,
    PLease tell us the exact steps you have followed for the IDR and at what step you get this error message.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.
  • Backed up the entire C partition of the PC to the Media server using the DLO option. PC has XP SP2 installed.

    Ran the Disaster Recovery Wizard from the Veritas Backup Exec. Everything worked exactly as expected.

    I wanted to create a real recovery situation (this unit HDD had nothing critical on it)

    Booted PC from the bootable CD-ROM that Veritas created for this unit during the disaster recovery setup wizard and selected to run the disaster recovery feature.

    Inserted floppy containing the .dr files Veritas created during the disaster recovery setup wizard when prompted

    Win XP reformatted the HDD and began loading windows automatically.

    XP was in the midst of doing its setup when the logon screen prompted for the Media Server name, Domain, Logon and Password.

    I supplied exactly the information as required...
    (same information used to run the DLO backup)
    Media Server was "ACWEBSVR"
    Domain was "ACPC"
    Login was "administrator" and the admin password

    Every attempt returns the error message as posted.
  • Hello,

    Please try the following technote and revert with the results.

    The error message "Unable to establish connection with the backup server" is displayed when performing a remote Intelligent Disaster Recovery operation.

    Please update us if this works for you.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • Interesting that for "Server" I had to give the IP address of the login server NOT the backup media server.

    For Domain/Computer I entered the domain name/name of backup media server.

    The screen immediately switched to the "restoring data" dialog.

    I will see how far I get now... Thanks
  • I keep getting this error as well. I am able to ping the media server when hitting F1 and getting the cmd prompt. But not able to get past this error.

    I have tried different combinations of ip addresses, fqdn's, etcfor both media and remote servers with no luck.

    Has anyone else had experience with this?

    • GaryLai's avatar
      Level 2

      how can you get into cmd prompt in the wizard?