Forum Discussion

James_Winslow's avatar
14 years ago

Unable to see the backup option

Somehow I cannot understand why i can't see the backup option on my Media server ?

can anyone help me here please ?


5 Replies

  • doh.. (-_-)" you're right Albert, my supervisor changed the Admin password without letting me know, and now once I ask him to retype the new password, all is seems to be good.

    Thanks anyway Albert.

  • by the way, I'm curious why does BE needs to have the Administrator login ?

    can i just create local admin password just to make it running fine ? eg. not using the domain\administrator password ?

  • BackupExec needs to be an Administrator on any machine the may need to have data restoreed.  Backup Operator could back the data up (probably) but not restore it.  The BESA also needs to be an Admin on the media server

    So either make the BackupExec service account a Domain Admin, or a Local Admin on all machines backed up and the media server

    (This has been a concern to many SysAdmins over the years, but AFAIK, there is no real way around it.  It is a MicroSoft restriction, not a Veritas/Symantec restriction)

  • Ah.. IC thanks Ken for the explanation I guess i must print this thread and show it to mu IT manager since he is not willing to share the password with me.