Forum Discussion

Peter_Caton's avatar
18 years ago

Upgrading Remote Agent for Exchange 2003

I just upgraded to v11d on our main backup server. I have pushed the remote agent out to most of our servers with no problem. I am wondering how to upgrade the Remote Agent for Exchange? The reason I ask is that with v10, I had to install a full version of Backup Exec along with Remote Agent for Exchange on the Exchange server in order to get the backups to work at all. With that said, I am wondering if I need to first uninstall the full version of Backup Exec v10 on the Exchange server, then upgrade the remote client for Exchange? Or is there a different migration path?

8 Replies

  • If the Exchange Server has the full installation of BE 10 on it and you need to backup that Exchange Server with a remote BE 11 Media Server then the BE 10 installation on the Exchange Server will need to be upgraded to BE 11; you cannot have a BE 10 Media Server that runs the BE 11 Remote Agent.
  • Our Exchange server does have a full installation of BE10. However, I am wondering if I can uninstall this, then install a BE11 remote agent on it in order to do the full Exchange backups. I would then have one server with BE11 on it, and the Exchange server would have BE11 Remote Agent on it. I would backup the Exchange server through the server that has the full version of BE11. I am asking because before, with BE10, I could only do the Exchange backups with a full version of BE10 on it even though I was connecting through another server. In other words, if I had one server with the full version of BE10 and our Exchange server with a remote agent on it, the separate backup server with BE10 would not up the separate Exchange server. I don't want to purchase two full BE11 licenses and I just want to use a Remote Agent to backup our Exchange server
  • should have been able to backup the Exchange Server with a remote installation of BE 10d as well...meaning you should have only needed the remote agent with 10d as well.

    What was the reason you were given for the need to have BE on the Exchange Server rather than the remote agent?

    With respect to the question, you should uninstall BE 10d on the Exchange Server and then push the BE 11d remote agent to the Exchange Server; but wait to do that until I understand why you were told to install the full version of BE 10d on the Exchange Server. I suppose there could be some "valid" reason for this requirement but I want to hear what you were told before making any assumptions.
  • I could not backup our Exchange 2003 server remotely when only the BE10 agent was installed. I was therefore told by then Veritas, that I needed a full version of BE10 Server on the Exchange server in order to perform the remote backup.

    With the full version of BE10 on our Exchange server, I am unable to backup using our main backup server with BE11. I receive a message that I need to upgrade the remote agent in order to complete the backup.

    So I never use the BE10 installation on the Exchange server. It is only there so I can remotely connect with our main backup server.

    Should I be able to backup across our network using a BE11 Server and a BE10 installation on Exchange 2003?
  • Ii is still important to know why you were told you had to have an full BE 10d installation on the Exchange Server in order to run a backup. That should not have been necessary. Were you given a reason? This is pertinent in that if there was a valid reason for needing a full BE 10d installation on the Exchange Server the same may be true for BE 11.

    In the end you will need to uninstall BE 10d from the Exchange Server and install the BE 11 remote agent (or the full BE 11d installation if a valid reason exists).
  • I wasn't told a specific reason. Only this is what I needed to do in order to get the backups working. After I installed the full version on our Exchange server, the backups worked. So I cannot offer anything specific other than that. Do you still recommend uninstalling BE10 from the Exchange then pushing out the remote agent for BE11?
  • Without knowing the reasoning behind why someone would have told you to install the entire BE 10d Media Server on the Exchange Server I'm going to "qualify" my recommendation...

    If this were any user I would tell them to uninstall BE 10d from the Exchange Server and then push the BE 11d Remote Agent from the BE 11d Media Server.

    Having said that...if the person who recommended installing the entire BE 10d Media Server on the Exchange Server had a valid reason for this, then you may need to do the same thing with BE 11d...but I cannot think of a valid reason why that would be necessary.
  • I was simply told by a Veritas tech that this is what I needed to do in order to get our Exchange backups working. I was told in a phone call to Veritas technical support, so I do not have a hard copy documenting our call. I wish there was more info I could give you. I will try uninstalling BE10 and installing BE11, only after I have a full backup of the server. Thanks again for all your help.