Forum Discussion

ChrisWC's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Upgrading Remote Agents

We are going to upgrade from BackupExec 10d to 12.0 in the near future.  Regarding the remote agents, how compatible are the 10d agents with the BE 12.0 backend?  Also, are the BE 10d DLO agents compatible with BE 12.0?
  • The only non-v12.0 agents that Symantec supports under v12.0 are v11d, and then only to support "rolling upgrades"  


    The only non-v12.5 agents that Symantec supports under v12.5 are v12.0, again only to support "rolling upgrades"


    Under the Licensing Policy, all Remote Agents must be at the same level as the media server when running in production

5 Replies

  • The only non-v12.0 agents that Symantec supports under v12.0 are v11d, and then only to support "rolling upgrades"  


    The only non-v12.5 agents that Symantec supports under v12.5 are v12.0, again only to support "rolling upgrades"


    Under the Licensing Policy, all Remote Agents must be at the same level as the media server when running in production

  • I've never tried it, but if you have a lot of Desktop/Workstation agents to upgrade, v12 may connect to a v10 agent, for at least data  backups, if not System State backups. 


    If you  have any problems, tho you are completely on your own :smileysad:

  • Would we be able to do a straight upgrade from the v10d Remote Agents to the v12.0 Remote Agents, without doing a full uninstall?


    Do the v12.0 Remote Agents require a reboot on the client servers after installation?

  • Usually an overlay upgrade is OK, but if you can schedule the time remove\install is preferred


    If you have to overlay, I would make sure that you stop/start the agent after wards and do a quick one ot two file backup from each remote machine to verify the upgrade (being the belt and suspenders type of guy that I am   :smileytongue:  )

    Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 02-19-2009 01:49 PM