Forum Discussion

Kulobi03's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

V-79-57344-65245 - A failure occurred accessing the object list.

Hi guys.

Need help with this error  code, because i saw log file of job and not found any backslash in registry.

Job start every friday and was ok always. Last friday end with error, I tried to find backslash, but not there.

May be someone decide this problem without backslash? Please help.

Thanks advance

12 Replies

  • This type of error can be caused by incorrect slashes (erither backslash or double-slash in a path in the registry)


    BUT it can also be caused by application installers/uninstaller routines not removing  registry records that relate to System State registred files, when the files in question are deleted from the operating system.

     If the filename is mentioned in the job log then check the file actually exists, if it is not mentioned in the job log then analysis of a debug log is needed

    If you know the filename , and it is missing from the file system AND it can be identified to a vendor then really you should talk to that vendor, sometimes however the filenames are too generic to link to a vendor, and then you are left with find the offending registry record and remove it OR create dummy file with the same name (including extention) and path

    Note: Microsoft articles do exist for this condition as it is not specific to a backup product it relates to System State registration and bad practices by product developers. unfortunatley there is portnetially an infiniste number of 3rd party applications that could cuase sush issues (when you think about sharewar/freeware etc) Related articles by us (which mentions at least one Microsoft article at the very bottom)


    • Kulobi03's avatar
      Level 3

      Hi again.

      I found double slash in registry yesterday. Deleted one of them, they was in Program Files, bla bla Adaptec Manager, and one of them in Program Files, Kaspersky.

      After deleted i rebooted station, and check again registry, double slash and backslash not found. 

      Run BE Job, but was end with old error

      Log file in attach. Can you see it?

      • Colin_Weaver's avatar

        That filw appears to be from September


        However this section might be your problem and it it i, then your pobelm will be an issue with "windows\system32\drivers\sikbmohk.sys" aso I woudl start by uinvesrtigaryng that file, (in file system and resistry)

        However I am slightly conerned as to whether "VolumeShadowCopy2" (which is at the head of the above path in the debug is because you are maintaining an old shadopw copy outside of any request by Backup Exec to Snapshot the volume and you may have to remove that Shadow Copy.


        [3748] 2018-09-27T09:19:58.651 [fsys\brfs]          - Status 0x00000012 returned calling FindFirstFile for \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy2\windows\system32\drivers\sikbmohk.sys in brUtil::GenerateFileList
        [3748] 2018-09-27T09:19:58.651 [fsys\brfs]          - brUtil::SetObjectsList( ): Failed to apply the component exclusion list
        [3748] 2018-09-27T09:19:58.658 [fsys\shadow]        - Status Unknown (0x00000012) generating Component System Files file list in SHADOW::OpenComponent
        [3748] 2018-09-27T09:19:58.658 [fsys\shadow]        - Informational: calling IVssBackupComponents::SetBackupSucceeded with status FALSE for component System Files in SHADOW::OpenComponent
        [3748] 2018-09-27T09:19:58.658 [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:Status FS_OBJECT_LIST_FAILURE (0xE000FEDD) calling FS_OpenObj in SystemState::OpenObj:128