Forum Discussion

Kris87's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

V-79-57344-764 - Unable to restore any content for alias because the Microsoft Exchange database that hosts that mailbox is offline or the mailbox doesn't exist.

Hi All,

Media Server : BE 2010 R3 Sp2 + latest hotfixes Windows 2008 R2

Exchange 2007, CCR installedin 2008 R2.

I am running a Exchange GRT restore of one subfolder inside a mailbox. Restore from Tape and B2D (Duplicated from Tape). The restore from tape starts and completes stagging, but after that it is stuck. Restore from B2D starts and goes to running state but stays at 0 bytes till i cancel it.

I enabled SGmon at Media server and Exchange server. Found that the restore is at "Mailbox name Resolve to ====>" line. I even see the restore email that we will receive before the restore begins. I had BE 2010 r1 previously and so updated it to 2010 r3. All clients are updated with RAWS. I even created a new service account with domain admin access, Exchange Org role, Not hidden in GAL, Unique name. And Exchange management tool is installed in Backup Server.

I have been breaking my head for past 3 days. I can not go to Symantec support, as i dont find license certification for that site. It would be really help if someone here could help me. I am definitely missing something or overlooked something, I just can't figure out what. Please help.


  • Thank you all for the support. I finally resolved the issue. Issue was with name resolving. Display name had a special character "," in it and alias wasn't resolving to it. I created a dummy mailbox with first alone so than alias and display name would be same. Redirected restore to that worked fine. also, backs were from 2010 R1 and i upgraded it to 2010 R3 last week. All restore from backups of 2010 R3 looks good.

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