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bharat_patel's avatar
18 years ago

which is best way to Backup Windows server 2003 using Backup exec 9.0

Hello Everyone,

I have one single windwos 2003 server(dell poweredge 2850 series) which is used to store account information.or you can say its a accounting Server.

It has a DELL Digital Disk storage DAT72 Tape drive and DAT72-170M (35 Ghz)DELL cartridge we r using to take backup.

I have backup exec 9.0 software already installed and configured to take daily FULL was working just fine before it has started creating problem.

Earlier the backup folder size was bebow 39GHz and i am taking backup in compress mode so it was working just fine.but now databse size has increased to 45 Ghz and tape comress ratio is not so good. it is 0.5:1 so i am not able to take back up in single tape .job runs and after some time it is asking for to insert new tape because of the space on single tape is not suffiecient to store all datas.

(1)I am just asking you to provide me a good and reliable suggestion how can i
accurately take backup daily with this current backup exec software.

(2)how to set up remote backup.i need to know about that also.
currently we have 3 MBPS T1 line with this it posssible to transfer 45 GHz of data on this T1? or what is the mimimum requirement for remote back up.please need yr help .

Thanks for all yr comments and suggestion.and in advance thanks for yr valuable time.

Thank you,

4 Replies

  • About all that you can do is add a second tape drive of the same type (DAT72), place both in a TapePool, and point your job at the pool.

    Compression is either on or off, you cannot increase what you get with specific backed up data

    as for backing up over the WAN. For 45 GBytes (what I think you meant) - Assuming that you backup would use about 1/2 the bandwidth, you would need over 10 hours to complete the job. Also, bear in mind that the RemoteAgents are very fragile, and if they loose connectivity, the job will stop at that point, and not restart.
  • Hi Ken,

    Thanks for yr suggestion.

    can you please let me know how can i put same tape drive in the server.As there is no space for another tape drive.

    if i understood it correctly then i have to connect this tape as an external drive to that server through USB or whcih port? where and how can i connect it.

    please help me.

    once again thanks for yr valuable time and the suggestion you had given to me.

  • Hi Ken Putnam,

    instead of putting another same tape drive on this server is there any other higher capacity tape drive avaialble so i can remove this one and place the new inside the server.

    i have heared that DLT tape drive can store more data and its cartridge comes upto 120 GB capacity.
    what do you think about this?

    or if i can buy 5 external hard drive and connect it through usb port on server and take daily full back up on different drive? does it a good idea to take back up on drive instead of tape?

    or power vuult RD 1000 with 5 (80 gb Tape cartridge)....does this fit in place of DAT72 drive space in server?

    please let me know your suggestion on my different queries.

    thanks you very much for yr time and suggestion.


  • Yes, SDLT has the capacity to hold all your data on one tape. (SDLT600 will hold 300 GB native)

    if it won't fit in the same slot in the server you can connect using an external SCSI port

    You can definitely use eEternal Hard drives, but will probably bottleneck at the USB port. IIRC max throughput for USB 2.0 is only 480 mbps or 60 MB/sec or 360 MB/min

    if you decide to go to external HDs, remember that each physical drive must be connected to the same drive letter each time that it is mounted

    Just on GP, I'd also get the free upgrade to v9.1

    Message was edited by:
    Ken Putnam