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Foo_Bar_BLN's avatar
8 years ago

2 Netlsnr for a single Oracle instance


if it possible to have 2 listener running for 1 Oracle SID. I be able to do that fromm commandline, but dont know how to configure it in VCS. I could not find a appropriate attribute for startup parameters.

lsncrctl start l1 
lsncrctl start l2

I think monitoring should not be the the problem, I can modify a second

any hints are verry welcome - THX!








  • frankgfan's avatar
    8 years ago

    do not edit agent ArgList.

    there is an attribute called Listener for Netlsnr agent

    this attribute is for "Name of Listener. The name for Listener is considered case-insensitive by
    the Netlsnr agent and the Oracle database server.
    Default is LISTENER."

    Example of two listener configuration (VCS 6.2 for Linux)

    Listener 1

    Netlsnr LSNR_oramktg_lsnr (
    Owner = oramktg
    Home = "/orahome/Oracle"
    TnsAdmin = "/orahome/Oracle/network/admin"
    Listener = LISTENER_MKTG
    MonScript = "./bin/Netlsnr/"
    LsnrPwd = xxxxxxxx

    Listener 2

    Netlsnr LSNR_oraprod_lsnr (
    Owner = oraprod
    Home = "/orahome/Oracle"
    TnsAdmin = "/orahome/Oracle/network/admin"
    Listener = LISTENER_PROD
    MonScript = "./bin/Netlsnr/"
    LsnrPwd = xxxxxxxx

    please consult with the VCS admin guide and VCS Oracle agent guide (for your version of VCS as each version of the guide contains some version specific info which is not appicapble to other versions) for more details.

  • Just copy the existing listener resource and change the attributes so it looks at the second listener. Then link the new listener.

    • Foo_Bar_BLN's avatar
      Level 3
      yes, that was my first idea, but I couldn't find a attribute to set the different startup parameters!
      • frankgfan's avatar

        to find out the Netlsnr related parameters, run the command below

        hatype -display Netlsnr

        you may also consullt with an oracle dba about needed settings in listener.ora and tnsnames.ora

        you can find sample oracle and Oracle listener configuration in VCS Admin guide or in /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_configure folder

  • Hi,


    the property is Listener. It is the name of the listener. Oracle default is Listener I mean, in your example l1 and l2.




  • Hi,

    You don't need to modify the script. It takes the parameters from the resource configuration. Below is an example of a lsnrclt resource. 

    Netlsnr LSNR_oracle (
            Owner = oracle
            Home = "/orahome/Oracle"
            TnsAdmin = "/orahome/Oracle/network/admin"
            Listener = LISTENER_ORACLE
            MonScript = "./bin/Netlsnr/"

     You can see here that the Listener is monitoring is called LISTENER_ORACLE

    If you want to make another LISTENER in Oracle and call it LISTENER2 then you need to create another resource and use the following parameters.

    Netlsnr LSNR_oracle (
            Owner = oracle
            Home = "/orahome/Oracle"
            TnsAdmin = "/orahome/Oracle/network/admin"
            Listener = LISTENER2
            MonScript = "./bin/Netlsnr/"