12 years agoLevel 4
Can't locate object method "QEMU" Error During Upgrade to 6.0.x
Hi all,
I have a two node VCS cluster running on two KVM Virtual Machines RHEL 5.5.
VCS version is currently 5.1 SP1 RP2 and I'm trying to upgrade it to version 6.0.1.
Right after I run the installer script I get the following error:
[root@Hostname rhel5_x86_64]# pwd
[root@Hostname rhel5_x86_64]# ./installer
Can't locate object method "QEMU" via package "Padv::RHEL5x8664" at /shared_data/VCS/dvd1-redhatlinux/rhel5_x86_64/scripts/EDR/Padv/Linux.pm line 1061.
[root@Hostname rhel5_x86_64]#
Has anyone encountered such an error before?
I've contacted support and so far they have only instructed me to approach RedHat and open a ticket with them.
Any help will be much appreciated.
- Hello Yair,Please find below the diff file with the corrections in place to resolve the QEMU package error message you were encounteringpackage Padv::Linux;sub detect_linux_by_dmidecode_sys {my ($padv, $sys) = @_;my $out = $sys->cmd("_cmd_dmidecode 2>/dev/null");my ($flag, $bios_vendor, $mfgr, $product) = ("", "", "", "");foreach (split(/\n+/, $out)) {if (/^\S/) {if (/^BIOS Information/) {$flag = "bios_info";} elsif (/^System Information/) {$flag = "system_info";} else {$flag = "other";}next;}if ($flag eq "bios_info") {$bios_vendor = $1 if (/Vendor:\s*(.*)/i);}if ($flag eq "system_info") {$mfgr = $1 if (/Manufacturer:\s*(.*)/i);$product = $1 if (/Product Name:\s*(.*)/i);}}$sys->{virtual_type} = $padv->VIRT_VMWARE if ($mfgr =~ /VMWare/i);$sys->{virtual_type} = $padv->VIRT_KVM . " or " . $padv->VIRT_QEMU if ($bios_vendor =~ /QEMU/i);$sys->{virtual_type} = $padv->VIRT_VIRTUALPC if ($mfgr =~ /microsoft/i && $product =~ /virtual machine/i);return;}1;You can save this file as cpi_60xP1.pl and run the installer as follows:Installsf –require /tmp/cpi_60xP1.plRegardsMark