Forum Discussion

taoufik's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

distance max on veritas cluster VVR

Dear Support

I want to implement a VCS cluster replication between 2 nodes_storages.

What is the max distance for heartbeat connection?

Can I use FC for heartbeat connection?


  • 3km is definately possible - I have seen clusters doing 50km.  So as long as you have 2 reliable links, this should be fine, but there is also the option to increase the gab timeout by specifying in the /etc/gabtab file.

    For VVR there is no limit, so it is only the VCS heartbeats you need to be concerned about.


  • Radio would not be recommended but what is more important is that the latency is less than 500ms.


4 Replies

  • My VCS cluster VVR is a local cluster: initally designed on 50m heartbeat  distance  and now i want to implement on  3km. IS IT POSSIBLE?

  • 3km is definately possible - I have seen clusters doing 50km.  So as long as you have 2 reliable links, this should be fine, but there is also the option to increase the gab timeout by specifying in the /etc/gabtab file.

    For VVR there is no limit, so it is only the VCS heartbeats you need to be concerned about.


  • Thanks Mike It is possible so. Can i use Any type of connexion for heartbeat: radio, fcoverip,.. Just a reliable link.
  • Radio would not be recommended but what is more important is that the latency is less than 500ms.