Problem with VRTS . oracle alram
hi all ,
recently i come up against oracle issue ,i'm getting the next error message :
VCS ERROR V-16-2-13027 (mdsu1a) Resource(mdsuOracleLog_lv) - monitor procedure did not complete within the expected time.
my question is why this error can appear?
this is also causing to a failover of the servers and the database changing to FAULTED state
DBA solution was to adjust interval/timeout values and is might help ,but i want to anlayze this problem and unstrstand why this is hapenning on my system .
I have atteached logs and useful information .
if someone can help me with this
Thx ,
Looking at new messages its DB related however again timeout which makes me to think of system overload again...
Regarding the attribute definations.. have a look at VCS users guide for 5.0MP3 AIX ... page 656 .. it lists all attributes & its definitions...
VCS users guide can be found here:
I think these definations are aloso available in man page of hatype (don't remember the section of man)