Unable to stop GAB & LLT VCS5.1/Solaris 10
/sbin/gabconfig -U
GAB /sbin/gabconfig ERROR V-15-2-25014 clients still registered
When trying to stop VCS communication modules for GAB & LLT getting the above message on second node.
Its a two node, VxFen is already stopped. VCS 5.1 / Solaris 10 being used.
/sbin/gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen 25ba01 membership 01
Port d gen 25ba04 membership 01
# modinfo | grep gab
253 7aa9a000 55ab0 334 1 gab (GAB device 5.1)
# modinfo | grep llt
252 7aa78000 2a5b0 333 1 llt (LLT 5.1)
# modinfo | grep vxfen
254 7aad4000 64270 335 1 vxfen (VRTS Fence 5.1)
# modunload -i 253
can't unload the module: Device busy
Appreciate your suggestions.
As you can see port d is still registered, you need to stop ODM as well in order to stop GAB. As a thumb rule, port a ( GAB) can NOT be stopped if any other port exists in "gabconfig -a" output ..
To stop ODM, use
# /etc/init.d/vxodm stop
Once ODM is stopped, you would be able to unconfigure GAB. You also need to check if any module for vcsmm ,lmx or vxfen is loaded, if yes, you need to unload them using "modunload" command ..