VCS Agent for Sybase can't bring online Sybase ASE
When I try to bring online Sybase ASE within 2 minutes after ASE brings up I get the error
VCS ERROR V-16-2-13066 Thread(3) Agent is calling clean for resource(Syb_Sybase) because the resource is not up even after online completed.
And agent kills the ASE. Right before ASE gets killed I can connect to it.
So the agent can successfully start and shutdown ASE (using isql), but can't understand than after start ASE is working normally.
The question is why agent can't figure out that ASE is ONLINE and works correctly?
I have faced a similar issue on sybase database and it ended up because of the fact that vcs monitoring uses the ps -ef command to validate the instance name.
Request DBA to modify the RUN file in such a way that -s<instance> is the first argument..I guess in your case it is specified at the last.