Forum Discussion

NBU35's avatar
Level 6
9 years ago

Sybase Backups



I have implemented backup of SYbase DB using sample scripts provided by Veritas.

My only concern is following part of script::

if [ "${DUMP_TYPE}" = "DATABASE" ]
#       Initiate a backup of any file related to the Sybase database, such as script files.

        echo "bpbackup -c $SYB_FILES_POLICY $SYB_FILES_DIR"
        /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbackup -c $SYB_FILES_POLICY $SYB_FILES_DIR

        if [ "$BPBACKUP_STATUS" -ne 0 ]
                echo ""
                echo "bpbackup of $SYB_FILES_DIR returned $BPBACKUP_STATUS"

1 ) What is purpose of this part of sript.

2 ) In script I have defined $SYB_FILES_POLICY is defined as standard policy type & with User Backup Schedule. 

$SYB_FILES_DIR is a home directory of sybase instance "/sybase/SID".  

Now in my setup I have created a separate script for every DB and put them in single policy. Now after every DB Dump job a FS job for policy $SYB_FILES_POLICY runs & all such jobs backups same data. Can I remove this portion from all scripts except script for last DB in backup policy ? as all jobs of such type are backing up same data.

3) size of /sybase/SID is approx 150 GB, but job from policy  $SYB_FILES_POLICY is only backing up data size 100 MBs. unable to understand the purpose of thsi part of policy and why it is not backing up whole Dir ?

Please help


  • Hello,

    in my Sybase setups, I simply omit this portion of backup script.

    The main purpose of this is to backup backup/restore scripts, however these can be backed up by a separate filesystem policy once a week or so.

    As for /sybase/SID folder, consult your Sybase Admin what should be backed up here from filesystem point of view and how frequently.




  • Hello,

    in my Sybase setups, I simply omit this portion of backup script.

    The main purpose of this is to backup backup/restore scripts, however these can be backed up by a separate filesystem policy once a week or so.

    As for /sybase/SID folder, consult your Sybase Admin what should be backed up here from filesystem point of view and how frequently.




  • Thank u so much, now I have used it to copy my backup/ restore scripts