Forum Discussion

Zahid_Haseeb's avatar
12 years ago

VCS ERROR V-16-10001-20565

OS = SOlaris10
HA/VCS = 6.0

Cluster Nodes = Two


Jan xx xx:32:27 Sec-Node AgentFramework[437]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-10001-20565 Application:ABC-APP:imf_register:Could not register process (./ABC-APP) as part of resource (ABC-APP), errno <3>


While Restart the passive node I see the above error message at console. I feel that as my Application Process is not configured for AMF/IMF and I am using a tradational monitoring instead of AMF/IMF funcitionality thats why its showing the ERROR. But my question if I have not configured the AMF/IMF than why I am able to see this ERROR. Does the AMF/IMF by default ON ? or what is happening. Please share your comments

  • When AMF was introduced in 5.1SP1 it was disabled by default - see extract from SFHA 5.1SP1 Install guide:


    AMF configuration files
    AMF_START—Defines the startup behavior for the AMF module
    after a system reboot or when AMF is attempted to start using
    the init script. Valid values include:
    1—Indicates that AMF is enabled to start up.
    0—Indicates that AMF is disabled to start up. (default)
    But in 6.0 it is enabled by default - see extract from SFHA 6.0 Install guide:
    AMF configuration files
    This file stores the start and stop environment variables for AMF:
    AMF_START—Defines the startup behavior for the AMF module
    after a system reboot or when AMF is attempted to start using
    the init script. Valid values include:
    1—Indicates that AMF is enabled to start up. (default)
    0—Indicates that AMF is disabled to start up.
    To verify if AMF is enabled you could look in /etc/sysconfig/amf or use:


    haimfconfig -display
    If you want to stop this error I guess you need to disable AMF - see VCS admin guide:
    To disable IMF for all IMF-aware agents
    Run the following command:
    haimfconfig -disable


7 Replies

  • You might want to search SORT:

    which yields a couple of hits in the documentation

  • Thanks ScottK

    As per your LINK I saw the first four links. That link I already googled. But what does it means, this is my question please.

    (My direct question is why I am having this ERROR regarding IMF/AMF if I am still not using this functionality)

    Thanks :)


  • When AMF was introduced in 5.1SP1 it was disabled by default - see extract from SFHA 5.1SP1 Install guide:


    AMF configuration files
    AMF_START—Defines the startup behavior for the AMF module
    after a system reboot or when AMF is attempted to start using
    the init script. Valid values include:
    1—Indicates that AMF is enabled to start up.
    0—Indicates that AMF is disabled to start up. (default)
    But in 6.0 it is enabled by default - see extract from SFHA 6.0 Install guide:
    AMF configuration files
    This file stores the start and stop environment variables for AMF:
    AMF_START—Defines the startup behavior for the AMF module
    after a system reboot or when AMF is attempted to start using
    the init script. Valid values include:
    1—Indicates that AMF is enabled to start up. (default)
    0—Indicates that AMF is disabled to start up.
    To verify if AMF is enabled you could look in /etc/sysconfig/amf or use:


    haimfconfig -display
    If you want to stop this error I guess you need to disable AMF - see VCS admin guide:
    To disable IMF for all IMF-aware agents
    Run the following command:
    haimfconfig -disable



    Thanks for your kind words Mike


    Node 1


    # ./haimfconfig -display

    #Agent         STATUS

    Application    ENABLED

    Db2udb         ENABLED

    Mount          ENABLED

    Netlsnr        ENABLED

    Oracle         ENABLED

    Process        ENABLED

    Sybase         ENABLED

    SybaseBk       ENABLED

    Zone           ENABLED


    Node 2


    # ./haimfconfig -display

    #Agent         STATUS

    Application    ENABLED

    Db2udb         ENABLED

    Mount          ENABLED

    Netlsnr        ENABLED

    Oracle         ENABLED

    Process        ENABLED

    Sybase         ENABLED

    SybaseBk       ENABLED

    Zone           ENABLED


    So, Running the below command will stop AMF/IMF functionality for all above Agents.

    haimfconfig -disable

  • What I understand that the IMF/AMF module was not able to START due to some reason.

  • @ ScottK as per your TechNote ""Once VCS gets into this state, IMF registration for the particular resource does not succeed, unless the AMF driver is unconfigured and reconfigured.""

    1.) What are the steps for "AMF driver is unconfigured and reconfigured". please share the steps.

    2.) I have configured Application Resource start, stop and monitor process only. I feel that there are more steps to configure the AMF which I did not do thats why I am facing the ERROR.



    I read the guide and see from Page # 229 under VCS Admin Guide (


    Enabling and disabling AMF on a system

    Enable or disable AMF as follows:
    To enable AMF on a system
    ◆ Run the following command:
    haimfconfig -enable -amf
    This command sets the value of AMF_START to 1 in theAMFconfiguration file.
    It also configures and loads the AMF module on the system.
    To disable AMF on a system
    ◆ Run the following command:
    haimfconfig -disable -amf
    This command unconfigures and unloads the AMF module on the system if
    AMF is configured and loaded.
    It also sets the value of AMF_START to 0 in the
    AMF configuration file.


    I think this above Extract answered of my question(s) ..So disable and re-enable can do:

    ""AMF driver is unconfigured and reconfigured."" as your suggested TechNote is saying (  ..Right ?   :)