Forum Discussion

ebotang's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

vcs resource status abnormal

I am facing a problem,i found a resource become online monitor timeout , and i don't know how to fix it ; could anybody give me some suggestion. thanks;



group           resource             system               message            
--------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
                cfsmount1            CCCG09BER            ONLINE             
                cfsmount1            CCCG10BER            ONLINE             
                cfsmount2            CCCG09BER            ONLINE             
                cfsmount2            CCCG10BER            ONLINE             
                cvmvoldg1            CCCG09BER            ONLINE             
                cvmvoldg1            CCCG10BER            ONLINE             

group           resource             system          message            
--------------- -------------------- --------------- --------------------
                cvmvoldg1            CCCG09BER       |MONITOR TIMEDOUT|UNABLE TO OFFLINE|
                cvmvoldg2            CCCG09BER            ONLINE             
                cvmvoldg2            CCCG10BER            ONLINE             
                cvmvoldg2            CCCG09BER       |MONITOR TIMEDOUT|UNABLE TO OFFLINE|


# hares -state cvmvoldg1
#Resource    Attribute              System     Value
cvmvoldg1    State                  CCCG09BER  ONLINE|MONITOR TIMEDOUT
cvmvoldg1    State                  CCCG10BER  ONLINE

# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0t0d0s2     auto:SVM        -            -            SVM
c0t1d0s2     auto:SVM        -            -            SVM
c0t2d0s2     auto:none       -            -            online invalid
c0t3d0s2     auto:none       -            -            online invalid
c3t0d0       auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
c3t0d1       auto:sliced     mmdatadgemcpower4  mmdatadg     online shared
c3t0d2       auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
c3t0d3       auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
c3t0d4       auto:sliced     mmdbdgemcpower2  mmdbdg       online shared
c3t0d5s2     auto:sliced     mmdatadgc3t0d5  mmdatadg     online shared
c3t0d6s2     auto:sliced     mmdatadgc3t0d6  mmdatadg     online shared
c3t0d7s2     auto:sliced     mmdatadgc3t0d7  mmdatadg     online shared
c3t0d8s2     auto:sliced     mmdatadgc3t0d8  mmdatadg     online shared
c3t0d9s2     auto:sliced     mmdatadgc3t0d9  mmdatadg     online shared
c3t0d10s2    auto:sliced     mmdatadgc3t0d10  mmdatadg     online shared

# vxprint
Disk group: mmdbdg

dg mmdbdg       mmdbdg       -        -        -        -        -       -

dm mmdbdgemcpower2 c3t0d4    -        419348384 -       -        -       -

v  vol01        fsgen        ENABLED  419346432 -       ACTIVE   -       -
pl vol01-01     vol01        ENABLED  419346432 -       ACTIVE   -       -
sd mmdbdgemcpower2-01 vol01-01 ENABLED 419346432 0      -        -       -

Disk group: mmdatadg

dg mmdatadg     mmdatadg     -        -        -        -        -       -

dm mmdatadgc3t0d5 c3t0d5s2   -        1467866928 -      -        -       -
dm mmdatadgc3t0d6 c3t0d6s2   -        1887246288 -      -        -       -
dm mmdatadgc3t0d7 c3t0d7s2   -        1836919616 -      -        -       -
dm mmdatadgc3t0d8 c3t0d8s2   -        1887246288 -      -        -       -
dm mmdatadgc3t0d9 c3t0d9s2   -        1887246288 -      -        -       -
dm mmdatadgc3t0d10 c3t0d10s2 -        1417511040 -      -        -       -
dm mmdatadgemcpower4 c3t0d1  -        1887354784 -      -        -       -

v  vol01        fsgen        ENABLED  12271390720 -     ACTIVE   -       -
pl vol01-01     vol01        ENABLED  12271390720 -     ACTIVE   -       -
sd mmdatadgemcpower4-01 vol01-01 ENABLED 1887354784 0   -        -       -
sd mmdatadgc3t0d5-01 vol01-01 ENABLED 1467866928 1887354784 -    -       -
sd mmdatadgc3t0d6-01 vol01-01 ENABLED 1887246288 3355221712 -    -       -
sd mmdatadgc3t0d7-01 vol01-01 ENABLED 1836919616 5242468000 -    -       -
sd mmdatadgc3t0d8-01 vol01-01 ENABLED 1887246288 7079387616 -    -       -
sd mmdatadgc3t0d9-01 vol01-01 ENABLED 1887246288 8966633904 -    -       -
sd mmdatadgc3t0d10-01 vol01-01 ENABLED 1417510528 10853880192 -  -       -

messages in engine_A log:

2015/03/06 13:44:21 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13027 (CCCG09BER) Resource(cvmvoldg2) - monitor procedure did not complete within the expected
2015/03/06 13:44:22 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13027 (CCCG09BER) Resource(cvmvoldg1) - monitor procedure did not complete within the expected
2015/03/06 13:46:28 VCS INFO V-16-1-50086 CPU usage on CCCG09BER is 61%
2015/03/06 13:50:21 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13210 (CCCG09BER) Agent is calling clean for resource(cvmvoldg2) because 4 successive invocatio
ns of the monitor procedure did not complete within the expected time.
2015/03/06 13:50:21 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13210 (CCCG09BER) Agent is calling clean for resource(cvmvoldg1) because 4 successive invocatio
ns of the monitor procedure did not complete within the expected time.
2015/03/06 13:50:39 VCS INFO V-16-2-13068 (CCCG09BER) Resource(cvmvoldg2) - clean completed successfully.
2015/03/06 13:50:53 VCS INFO V-16-2-13068 (CCCG09BER) Resource(cvmvoldg1) - clean completed successfully.
2015/03/06 13:51:40 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13077 (CCCG09BER) Agent is unable to offline resource(cvmvoldg2). Administrative intervention m
ay be required.
2015/03/06 13:51:55 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13077 (CCCG09BER) Agent is unable to offline resource(cvmvoldg1). Administrative intervention m
ay be required.

  • Hi, From vcs log, we can see, vcs found cvmvoldg2 resource monitor timeout, try to offline the resource fail. You have 2 questions need to resolve. 1. Need to resolve cvmvoldg1&2 montior timeout issue. Commonly, this was caused by system load high, poor system resource may cause cvmvoldg montior program not return in 60 seconds. Avoid system load high is a better choice. And also you can try increase montiortimeout value and monitor interval value: # haconf -makerw #hatype -modify CVMVolDg MonitorInterval 180 #hatype -modify CVMVolDg MonitorTimeout 180 #haconf -dump -makero 2. Need to resolve current cvmvoldg1&2 state: MONITOR TIMEDOUT|UNABLE TO OFFLINE Try to flush the service group and manual online the two resource, to see if it can change to normal state.
  • Hi, From vcs log, we can see, vcs found cvmvoldg2 resource monitor timeout, try to offline the resource fail. You have 2 questions need to resolve. 1. Need to resolve cvmvoldg1&2 montior timeout issue. Commonly, this was caused by system load high, poor system resource may cause cvmvoldg montior program not return in 60 seconds. Avoid system load high is a better choice. And also you can try increase montiortimeout value and monitor interval value: # haconf -makerw #hatype -modify CVMVolDg MonitorInterval 180 #hatype -modify CVMVolDg MonitorTimeout 180 #haconf -dump -makero 2. Need to resolve current cvmvoldg1&2 state: MONITOR TIMEDOUT|UNABLE TO OFFLINE Try to flush the service group and manual online the two resource, to see if it can change to normal state.