Forum Discussion

Mr_Deen's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

Vcs Webclient Management setup

Hi Techkies, I'm testing the VCS using my laptop Now i like to test with GUI and web based management software rather then CLI. can any one please help me to achieve this? Not to shy I'm newbie to vcs. google routing me to install some web enabler software but cant download the same from symantac site its prompting for Reference code to download. do i really approached the correct way? or stumbling on what im doing? Thanks in Advance.

8 Replies

  • Veritas Operation Manager and Veritas Cluster Manager is the answer for your question.


    Veritas Operation Manager:

    Veritas Operations Manager is the complete management platform to optimize data center assets using the Storage Foundation and High Availability software. It centralizes control and visibility, monitoring, operations and reporting of heterogeneous storage, server and application infrastructure. You can download it from the following link:

    Veritas Cluster Manager:

    You should already be having it in your veritas cluster installable files. There should be folder called "windows", it should be under that folder, you need to install that on your laptop running windows operating system and you are good to go.




  • Hello

    For Web GUI

    -- If you have already installed VCS & you have a service group called "clusterservice" existing in your cluster setup, then you should be able to use a web GUI using the virtual IP address defined in the group.

    If you look at /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/   (the main cluster config file), you would be able to see the clusterservice servicegroup which would have an IP resource & an application resource. IP resource would have the virtual IP if you have defined any.



    Logging in to the Cluster Management Console
    The Cluster Management Console is a web application that is installed on a VCS
    node. You must log in to the Cluster Management Console to manage your VCS
    cluster. To run the console, the local system (the system you use to run the
    console) must also be running a supported web browser.

    To log in to the console

    1 In your Internet browser, enter the URL address configured for the Cluster
    Management Console during installation. You can enter either:

    where System is either a system name or the virtual IP address configured
    for the webip resource in the ClusterService service group.

    2 Under Please enter a web-admin username and password to continue,
    select a language from the drop-down menu.

    For JAVA GUI


    As Dev mentioned above, the installer would be availble in the "windows" folder of the setup you have downloaded. There would be a folder for VCS Simulator which will contain an msi file. Download it your laptop & install it, it should install both simulator & VCS cluster manager for you...

    You can then open cluster manager , you will need to add user cluster by prodiving the FQDN for any one of the host .. username/password asked here would be default (admin/password) unless you have changed them...


  • The last 2 posts are not correct for recent versions:

    The VCS web GUI (or Cluster Management Console) was discontinued in 5.0MP3.  If you installed 5.0 and then upgraded to MP3, then the VCS web GUI was still supported, but it was not installed if you installed 5.0M3 from scratch.  From 5.1 onwards, the VCS web GUI is not available.

    The VCS java GUI stopped being shipped with VCS from 5.1 so unless you have 5.0, you will need to download java GUI from:

    by clicking on Veritas Cluster Server Java Console, Veritas Cluster Server Simulator, Veritas Enterprise Administrator Console link and choose "VCS Cluster Manager Java Console 6.0 (Windows)"

    The reason Java GUI stopped being shipped and Web GUI is no longer supported is Symantec are trying to get customer to use Veritas Operations Manager (VOM).    You cannot install VOM on a client O/S (such as Windows XP), this must be installed on a server (separate to VCS nodes) and is designed to manage mulitple clusters and SF nodes.  You can get more information and download at

    You could install the VCS simulator if you want to try out the GUI without having to install VCS and this can be done entirely on your laptop - follow same link above Veritas Cluster Server Java Console, Veritas Cluster Server Simulator, Veritas Enterprise Administrator Console but choose VCS Simulator 6.0 (Windows).  With the simulator, you can even test CLI and global clusters.  CLI commands are run with a preceding "hasim -" rather than "ha", so for example, rather than running "hasys -list" you run "hasim -sys -list" and for "hagrp -state" you would run "hasim -grp -state".

    You can download "real" software from by clicking onTrialware link.  You will need to sign up to Symantec, but this is free.  This is actual software, and

    you can use for 60 days to test after which point you should enter a valid VCS license key if you want to continue. 


  • Hi,

    There are 2 web based GUIs that you can use for managing real (not simulated) VCS Clusters.

    1. VCSMC (Veritas Cluster Server Management Console): Download from ("Download Previous Management Tools" section - 2nd link)

    2. VOM: Download from

    VCSMC manages only VCS and is an older software that is not undergoing any active development.

    VOM can manage both VCS and SF and is the preferred console for SFHA management. VOM is being actively developed.




  • A little more info as the various VCS managemet consoles can be very confusing:

    1. The VCS java Console is listed under "Previous Management Tools", but there is a new 6.0 version just released, so "previous" is a little misleading.
    2. The VCS web GUI which was named "Cluster Management Console" later on in its life was installed on the cluster nodes and was to manage single clusters.
    3. With VCS 5.0, Symantec introduced the very similar named "Veritas Cluster Server Management Console" (VCSMC) which was installed on a management server to manage multiple clusters (5.0 and 4.x).  "Storage Foundation Manager" (SFM) was also introduced to manage multiple SF servers.
    4. By VCS 5.1, VCSMC and SFM had merged into a new product called "Veritas Operations Manager" (VOM).  Therefore VCSMC ony supports 5.0 and 4.x clusters and NOT 5.1 or above, but VOM supports 4.x thorugh to 6.0. 


  • A small correction about the VCS versions VCSMC supports:

    VCSMC supports VCS 5.1 (secure and non-secure clusters both)

    For VCS 6.0, VCSMC supports non-secure clusters but does not support 6.0 secure clusters (due to changes in embedded AT inside VCS).

    In general, any new feature introduced in VCS (e.g. online/offline with propagate option) will not be supported by VCSMC. Older features should work as they did.

    VOM will continue to support all versions of VCS (as mentioned by Mike - 4.0 onwards) and new features in VCS as well.




  • Thanks Amit - the website needs updating to relfect this as if you click on Veritas Cluster Server Management Console 5.5.1 on the link you gave in previous post, it says:



    • Manages and reports on multiple VCS 4.x and 5.0 clusters on all Platforms including Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Windows, VMware ESX


    So this does not mention 5.1 and 6.0

    I tried to verify what is supported by looking at VCSMC release notes, but at

    the links to release notes are broken.

    I am really surprised VCSMC is supported with VCS 6.0 if VCSMC is not being developed as I understood for instance that VCS 5.1 wouldn't support SF 6.0 and VCS 5.0 java GUI wouldn't support VCS 5.1.  Even though this may techincally work, testing is not done with VCS 5.1 with newer versions of SF (the reverse is of course true in that you can use VCS 5.1 with SF 5.0) and hence I didn't think it was supported.  Also, even though 5.0 java GUI works with 5.1 VCS I find it frequently crashes.

    Where would I find official documentation that says VCSMC supports VCS 5.1 anfd VCS 6.0.




  • Hi Mike,

    VCSMC 5.5.1 is not under active development. So the notes are not updated (and mostly won't be).

    VCS QA does some in-house testing to see if it is compatible with the latest versions. Since the product itself is not active, the testing is not taken to the level of "official qualification".
    But QA does basic sanity with the product. There are users who are still using VCSMC, and so this testing is done to anticipate any questions that customers might ask.

    According to that testing, it works with VCS 5.1. As discussed, VCSMC 5.5.1 works with VCS 6.0 non-secure clusters, but not with 6.0 secure ones.

