Forum Discussion

Satyendra's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

CA Search Accept time

Hello All, I got a interesting situation to investigate.....!! We have CA deployed which does performs Daily schedule search + Random Sampling on the email from Journal Store and send it to their...
  • TonySterling's avatar
    12 years ago

    So this query was originally to gage acceptance rate but I think will work for you.  You need the CaseId and SearchId.

    Use this TN for that:

    How to obtain the CaseID and SearchID for any search in Enterprise Vault (EV) Compliance Accelerator (CA) or Discovery Accelerator (DA)

    Article: TECH72127  |  Created: 2009-01-06  |  Updated: 2009-01-08  |  Article URL

     then change the value in the where clause.


    select C.Name, idi.SearchID,

    left (convert (varchar, idi.CaptureDate,20),14) as 'Accept Date',
    count(*) as 'Items Accepted in hr'

    from tblIntDiscoveredItems idi with (nolock)

    Join tblCase C on C.CaseID = idi.CaseID

    where C.CaseID = 8 and idi.SearchID =11

    group by C.Name, idi.SearchID, left (convert (varchar, idi.CaptureDate,20),14)

    order by "Accept Date"


    --edited:  I corrected a wrong value in the query.