Forum Discussion

Satyendra's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Compliance System Case - Searches

Hi All,

I am preparing my EV environment to upgrade from v8.0.3 to v9.0.3, the first component that i am going to upgrade is my CA/DA server along with CA/DA clients.

When doing some pre-upgrade checks i found bunch of Searches which were not completed and were in either 'Pending Acceptance' or 'Pending Acceptance (with error)' out of these identified searches i could fix the one's which belong to the valid CA departments. But i also see bunch of searches for "Compliance System Case" in Pending Acceptance mode.

How can i clean these search types so that i don't run into any issues while doing the upgrade?


Here is the article that i am following to identify the pending searches in the system.


Thanks in Advance!

  • I was able to activate Search button, by adding a monitored employee and a department reviewer...

    But unfortunately i couldn't see any searches listed for that department, also i tried above sql query to delete the enteries from SQL but it didn't work and 0 rows got affected...

    Reached to Symantec support and got this query which deleted the pending search entries from the Compliance database.

     --Declare the Variable for SearchID

    DECLARE @searchid int
    --Declare the cursor for the deletion process and get set the query for the cursor
    DECLARE search_delete CURSOR FOR
        SELECT SearchID FROM tblIntSearches WHERE StatusID IN (3,10)
    --Start the deletion process and select the first search to process
    OPEN search_delete
    FETCH NEXT FROM search_delete INTO @searchid
    --Start the block of code that will be processed until @@FETCH_STATUS = 1 (So all searches have been processed)
          UPDATE tblIntSearches SET StatusID = 4 WHERE searchid = @searchid
          EXEC usp_Search_DoRejecting @searchid
                FETCH NEXT FROM search_delete INTO @searchid
    --End the block of code
    --Once @@FETCH_STATUS = 1 close the cursor and deallocate it
    CLOSE search_delete
    DEALLOCATE search_delete
    Hope this will help someone else stuck in the same situation as i was :)

4 Replies

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  • Those are going to be Application level searches.  You should be able to click the Application tab in the Compliance Accelerator client and see what departments the searches are associated with.  Then you can go into the department and accept or reject the search as needed.

  • Thanks Tony, i could see the searches under Application tab, and some of these were for a department which doesn't has any monitored employee assigned to it anymore, so i can't click the 'Searches' button as its grayed out... Wondering if there is another way to clear those search enteries.

  • Could you just add a generic or test user to it so the Search button will activate?

    Do you just want those searches rejected?

    edited==removed sql for safety sake.

    I typically don't recommend update sql directly without support recommending it, so if you can just add the user and manually reject the searches I would recommend that. 

  • I was able to activate Search button, by adding a monitored employee and a department reviewer...

    But unfortunately i couldn't see any searches listed for that department, also i tried above sql query to delete the enteries from SQL but it didn't work and 0 rows got affected...

    Reached to Symantec support and got this query which deleted the pending search entries from the Compliance database.

     --Declare the Variable for SearchID

    DECLARE @searchid int
    --Declare the cursor for the deletion process and get set the query for the cursor
    DECLARE search_delete CURSOR FOR
        SELECT SearchID FROM tblIntSearches WHERE StatusID IN (3,10)
    --Start the deletion process and select the first search to process
    OPEN search_delete
    FETCH NEXT FROM search_delete INTO @searchid
    --Start the block of code that will be processed until @@FETCH_STATUS = 1 (So all searches have been processed)
          UPDATE tblIntSearches SET StatusID = 4 WHERE searchid = @searchid
          EXEC usp_Search_DoRejecting @searchid
                FETCH NEXT FROM search_delete INTO @searchid
    --End the block of code
    --Once @@FETCH_STATUS = 1 close the cursor and deallocate it
    CLOSE search_delete
    DEALLOCATE search_delete
    Hope this will help someone else stuck in the same situation as i was :)