Forum Discussion

Evan44's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

DI Report Exporting

Hello, To give some context to my issue, when HTML and CSV files are sent over SMTP in my company's network, they are stripped due to a company zip file policy.  My question is:  Is there a way to...
  • Rod_p1's avatar
    10 years ago


    The notification feature in a report can be used to send the report to the desired end user or distribution list. By including the report, which could be large, we use compression to send the report. You can change some of the settings under the SMTP configuration in the application such as 'Mail Server username', 'From e-mail address' to allow for use in filter modification to allow pass-through without filtering on zip files. You could adjust the SMTP filter settings to allow zip files from the SDI  console server (referred to as Management Server) to avoid stripping the file attachment but it is not the only option.


    Reports can also be directed to a network share with proper conditions like access permissions and availability. Then the end user can access them there, again with proper access permissions to allow it.


    A PDF copy can also be used to avoid having a compressed file which would not be filtered by the SMTP policy in use at your site.

    I do not see a mechanism in a quick test for a place to build an email body. In the notification email and the email now choice from the action menu on the report I get a message similar to the one below that has the links which would be valid for a user with permissions within the Symantec DataInsight (SDI) console and network access to the MS (Management Server).


    We do have a process to create a Product Action Request (PAR) which is akin to an enhancement request to add functionality desired in future versions of the product that can be accessed via your account representative.
