Forum Discussion

jmarques68's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

DLO 9.3 and User Backup to OneDrive

I am working with a prospect to define a solution that can allow the users to execute backups to their OneDrive that as 1TB of space for each user.

Can DLO be configured to backup to the OneDrive local folder on the desktop/laptop that is in sync with the OneDrive Cloud and also use DLO deduplication and encryption?

How does the DLO Administration Server and Database handles this type of backup and if it has any limitations?

Thanks in advance for your comments.

  • I recomend you ParaBlu Application for O365 One Drive Automatic Client Backup .

  • DLO is supporting the backup of OneDrive and is using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and a 256-bit key
    length for data encryption.